建筑工地实习日记黄海森林公园>手机辐射对孕妇的影响有多大>绵州this book was great, a masterpiece for the lack of words to describe how entirely wonderful it is。 the book was a great classic, the only reason that i did read it is becau we have to read a classic for school, however, now that i have read it i realize that it was a great book。 i would read this book two or three times, and i do not like reading books again。 the book was really able to portray the idea of childhood innocence and foolishness in the book, especially the end。 i thought that this book was really an eye opener for people who may think that life is not worth living or maybe derpesd。 becau, as you can e, huck was a young boy who had an alcoholic father who beat him all the time, even kidnapped him after he was adopted by other people。 huck even decided to run away from his father, yet he is still a young, fun loving kid in the end, especially when tom reveals to him how the whole trip was just a game。 the only thing i have to say against the book is that it did em a little racist with its words, however maybe this is just how they talked in that time period? overall a great read that i highly recend。纸简笔画