II. Discussion
1. Students should identify:
数学在生活中的应用1.macro and micro information to be rearched
贵州医科大学神奇民族医药学院2. objectives and targets to be achieved
3.strategies to be chon and agenda to be t
4. negotiation team members to be involved
5. locations where negotiations to be conductedps怎么旋转
6. Adjusting bad on reality backed up by learning
1. macro and micro information to be rearched
1) Information on related environmental factors
The political state, Religious belief, The legal system, Business convention, Social customs,Financial state,
你知道我在等你吗简谱Infrastructure and logistics system, Climate factor
2) Knowledge of the opponent
Nature of the company, Development history, Financial and credit status, Features of its products,
World market shares, Production and supply capacity, Price levels, Preferred payment terms,Negotiation
targets or objectives, Nature of the company, Credit status and financial status,ndividuals
3) Knowledge of competitors
Supply of and demand for the products, Information about similar products, Technological development
trends, Production capacity, Operational states, Market shares of the major producers, Sales forces, Price
levels, dlistribution channels, competition and relationship between or among rivals
4) Knowledge of onelf
capacities and abilities to supply, operational conditions
2. objectives and targets to be achieved
1) Defining one's interest
2) Clarifying objectives
Prioritizing one's goals
银行最新存款利率Establishing goalsEstablishing goals
3)Building one's BATNA
3.strategies to be chon and agenda to be t
1) Choosing a strategy (5 types)
2) Setting an agenda (the order:1-4-3-2)
4.negotiation team members to be involved
1) One-on-One V5 Team Negotiation
Advantages and Disadvantages
2) The Leader
Obligations /responsibilities/ job description
General Characteristics/ How to choo the leader ?
3) Team Members
How to choo team members? (2 wrong choices)
Men vs. Women
Negotiating characters (5 types)
4) Teamwork
General Characteristics of effective teams
Seating Location
5. locations where negotiations to be conducted
home court /venue
6. Adjusting bad on reality backed up by learning2. For example (students will find their own examples, but should identify:
A toy, cost 50 yuan
ideal target 90 yuan
minimum target or bottom line: 60 yuan
realistic target: 75 yuan
3.Students should identify:
Avoidance, Compettion, Accommodation , Compromi, and Collaboration
Avoidance is non-negotiation.
Competition is also known as distributive or win-lo strategy.
Accommodation is "I lo you win" policy. .
Compromi is a combination of competition and accommodation, two dlistributive strategies.
Collaboration is also called integrative, or win-win strategy.
酒类Ca one: Sino- Japane negotiations
1. What factor played an important role in concluding the deal at the figure given by the Chine side ?
Preparation played an important role in concluding the deal at the figure given by the Chine side. Before
the negotiation, the Chine side devoted much energy to preparation including doing market rearch,
gathering information. During the negotiation, they still kept a clo look at the changing market, therefore
they had a card up their sleeve from the beginning to the end of the negotiations that laid a foundation for
further discussions, during which, a ries of tactics were wily ud.
2. What tactics did the Japane side u in the first round of negotiation?
he Japane side ud a tactic of trial balloon by making an offer at 10 million Japane yen. Their
purpos are two fold: if the Chine side did not know the international market, they can take it as a
basis, a starting point for their bargaining, then they can surely make large profits. If the Chine side won't
accept it, they can justify themlves.