试卷编号: T5-U4-RW3-HJW
考试时间: 60 分钟
满分: 50 分
Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations
(Each item: 1)
Directions:In this ction you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choo the best answer to the questions you hear.
Questions 1 to 5 are bad on the same passage or dialog.
A. At a restaurant.
B. At home.
C. At a department store.
D. On a farm.
A. He is alone.
B. He has eaten there before.
C. He likes to eat duck.
D. He has trouble with the rvice.
A. Carrots only.
B. Fried potatoes only.
C. Carrots and potatoes.
D. Peas and fried potatoes.
A. Coffee.
B. Soup.
C. Ice cream.
D. Fried potatoes.
A. He came too late to eat.
B. He made a mistake ordering.
C. He was rved with wrong dishes.
D. He cho the wrong food.
Part 2 Understanding Passages
(Each item: 1)
Directions:In this ction you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choo the best answer to the questions you hear.
Questions 6 to 10 are bad on the same passage or dialog.
A. Football.
B. Baball.
C. Basketball.
D. Soccer.
A. In Canada.
B. In Massachutts.
C. In Europe.
D. In Latin America.
A. Baball is not very popular in the United States.
B. Southerners like car racing better than other sports.
C. Car racing will become more popular than football.
D. Football is America's most watched sport.
A. Americans don't watch much hockey.
B. America enjoys car racing very much.
C. America has large immigrant populations.
D. Americans don't appreciate soccer much.
A. Everyone enjoys watching it, but cannot e it often.
B. Children like to play, but adults don't like to watch.
C. People generally like it more outside of big cities. 冷淡反义词
D. Only immigrants ever watch it at all.
Part 3 Multiple Choice
(Each item: 1)
Directions:Choo the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
11. In the 1700's North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social ________ by wearing elaborate clothing.
A. responsibility
B. events
C. organization
D. status
12. A _____________ to this problem is expected to be found before long.
A. solution
B. ttlement
C. respon
D. result
13. A good deal of the __________ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain.
A. reputation
B. respect
C. credit
D. fame
14. This rapid growth has been achieved by a _____________ handful of people.
A. simple
B. scarce
游桃花记 C. slight
D. bare
15. I like my teacher, but feel no ________ for her.
A. affection
B. like
C. feeling
D. motion
16. The grandfather ________ all the members of the family for the annual picnic.
A. put
B. asmbled
C. collected
D. had
17. Many old readers do not like the modern ________ of The Holy Bible; they've gotten ud to the traditional one.
A. publication
B. vision
C. version
D. copyright
18. The investigation demonstrates that his enemies ________ fal stories about him.
A. encouraged
B. caud
C. inspired
D. enlightened
19. She goes to the dentist to have her teeth ________ twice a week.
A. looked
B. watched
C. obrved
D. inspected
20. The country's first act would be to ________ for the navy.
A. employ
B. invite
C. recruit
D. supply
Part 4 Cloze (with four choices provided)
(Each item: 0.5)
Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choo the best answer from the four choices given for each blank.
Questions 21 to 40 are bad on the following passage.
"America, the land of opportunity, the land of the free." I, 21. for oncefor onefurthermorem
oreover, have a hard time believing it. Have you ever heard of the American Dream? It is the 22. fundamentalexperimentalmentaloriginal belief of Americans that every person, 23. no matter whyno matter whatno matter howno matter when poor their beginnings, can change his life. Anyone can work his way from the 24. belowendbottomrear up to the top. 25. Living in the pastFor the pastIn the pastAll in the past, we would listen to stories about our great-grandparents. They traveled here from a 26. distantinstantconstantreluctant country for their opportunity to make it big. We would dream of 27. makemakingmarkmarking it big for ourlves. "Your great-grandfather came to this country with 28. nothing el andno one butanything butnothing but the shirt on his back and built his company from the ground up." This was how the story 29. virtuallyusuallyrituallygradually went. Something has changed, 30. thoughinsteadtooeither. Americans are increasingly 31. posssingdepressingdistressingdismissing this idea as untrue. They e it as nothing but an empty 32. assuranceconnsuspromicompromi. They have a cynical 33. outtoutletoutgooutlook and they don't believe that they will ever be rich or powerful. Th
ey believe that past generations 34. grippedgrabbedheldsnapped all of the resources and power. The people will do 35. just as welljust as soonnot just anythingjust about anything to keep it for themlves.