1. 香菜
Coriander (UK /ˌkɒrɪˈændə福满家园/; US /ˈkɔː梦见别人生小孩riˌændər/ or /ˌkɔːriˈændər/; Coriandrum sativum), also known as cilantro (/sɪˈlɑːntroʊ/) or Chine parsley, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried eds are the parts most traditionally ud in cooking.
这里能看到“香菜”有三个常见表达:coriander, cilantro和Chine parsley。Chine parsley这种表达很好理解,但是为什么有coriander和cilantro两种叫法呢?
The short answer is: It depends on where you are. They mean the same things in some countries, while others treat them as two completely different components.
在美国读研的两年中,点餐是一个既头疼又简单的事。头疼的是每次点东西吃还是有很多“叫不出名字的食物",一些是不知道英文怎么说,一些是中文也不知道是什么。 大多时
候都是连指带比划的:“Can I have the yellow one? "或者是 "whatever, just something green”。但是这也不是什么障碍,如同网上的段子一样,在国外点餐会 “this” “that”就够了。
有些词稍长,有时候还不好读,例如pomegranate(石榴), asparagus(芦笋)。 想要流利的使用这些词的话,最好的方法之一就是去沃尔玛家乐福之类的超市溜达一圈,多“念念有词”,多用几次。
2. 醋春幡
有一次进城去海底捞吃火锅,等位的时候发现书架上有本英文书Oil & Vinegar, 抽出来随手翻一翻。
一分钟不到的时间就可以学到“原来油和醋有这么多种类”。avocado, walnut, hazelnut, s
esme, apple cider都是常见的食物,你认识吗,会读吗?
我看到toffee这个词,我不认识,我想这和coffee只有一字之差,多好玩! 顺手查了下字典原来它就是“太妃糖”。 这个词我能记一辈子,甚至时间地点我都能记 — 因为这个词好玩,因为我是在情境中遇到的它。
海底捞的官方网站上也有它的菜单,在店里点菜时也有英文翻译。这里我们就学到了abalone(鲍鱼),marinated(腌制的),注意fillet的发音是 [fɪˈleɪ],herbal在美音中h不发音,念 [ˈɜrb(ə)l]。
3. 火锅
在美国读书的时候我吃个饭都要把菜单拍下来,我想这可是地道的英语啊,我要留着以后去教给别人。有一次圣诞节,和几个朋友去吃“小肥羊”,我为此还读了一篇纽约客上的食评 -- 其实是没有必要的,点餐啊什么的都可以用中文的。
Unless you’ve got a hankering for a Subway sandwich or a Five Guys burger, the Shops at SkyView Center, a mall packed with big-box stores like Target and Best Buy, may em like the least likely place to eat in Flushing. And yet, around the corner from Chuck E. Chee and just past Applebee’s, one of the world’s most thrilling culinary experiences awaits, at a place called Little Lamb. To be fair, one man’s Little Lamb is another man’s Applebee’s: the restaurant is part of an Inner Mongolian chain that claims around six hundred locations worldwide, and one of veral suspiciously similar places in Flushing that offer the East Asian specialty known as hot pot. But this is the first and only official Little Lamb in New York, and, especially for anyone unfamiliar with hot pot, a meal here is extraordinary.
纽约Flushing, 是一个比China town还中国的一个地方。 Little Lamb是新开的一家火锅店。One man’s Little Lamb is another man’s Applebee’s 套用了One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 众口难调, 各有所爱。
It begins, of cour, with a pot, piping hot, perched on an electric burner in the center of each table, and brimming with broth made from beef bone, bone marrow, and chicken. It’s described almost Biblically on the menu: “When boil is ready, we add our mixture of little lamb special sauce. Then it became the ‘God Soup.’ ” The special sauce is customizable: Hou “Mala” Spicy will t your mouth on fire and turn the liquid a murky red, bobbing with dried chili peppers, numbing peppercorns, garlic cloves, whole nutmeg, and cinnamon bark; a more timid palate would be better off with the Hou Original, cloudy yellow and swimming with scallions, ginger, and goji berries.
火锅的底汤可以用broth, 枸杞 goji, 胡椒子 peppercorns, 骨髓 bone marrow。瓦尔登湖中就有一句 “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.”
Once the God Soup is roiling, the diner becomes the chef, tasked first with menu plannin
g, choosing from dozens of raw ingredients, which arrive in bite-size pieces, and then with cooking the haul, by dropping things into the pot and determining when to scoop them out. The first step can be difficult, thanks to curt descriptions and sometimes unappealing translations (Supreme Lamb Shoulder is “Under Cervical Vertebra and it taste soft”). But many items are straightforward—napa cabbage, enoki mushroom, fresh tofu—and taking risks can yield high rewards, as with Hou Fish Noodle, which turns out to be ribbons of dough sparkling with shards of briny dried fish, and Sun Volume, a platter of lamb slices ringed in fat and appealingly fanned in a circle. The true challenge is in the timing: most meat is cut so thin that it needs only a few conds in the pot before it’s overcooked, but taro root takes veral minutes, and the optimal texture of baby bok choy is a matter of taste.