(一) 希腊拉丁词根
1.acid,acri,acr, 14.anc, anti = old
acu = sour, sharp ancient a. 古代的
acidity n. 酸度,酸性 antique a. 古代的 n. 古物acute a. 尖锐的
acrimonious a. 辛辣的,尖刻的
2.acro = top 15.anim = life, spirit
acrobat n. 杂技演员 animal n. 动物动物性食品
acrophobia n. 恐高症 animate v. 使有生气,活泼
3.act =to do, to drive 16.ann, enn = year
activity n. 活动 annual a. 一年一度的
enact v. 实施,颁布 anniversary n. 周年纪念
exact v. 强求 perennial a. 永久的
4.aer, aero, aeri = air 17.anthrop = man, human
aerology n. 气象学,大气学 anthropology n. 人类学aerosphere n. 大气层内外空间 philanthropist n. 博爱主义者aerodrome n. 飞机场
5.ag = to do, to act 18.apt, ept = to fit, ability agenda n. 议事日程 aptitude n. 适应能力,才能
agency n. 代理处 adapt v.使适应,适应环境
coagent n. 合作者
6. agon = struggle 19. aqu = water
agony n. 痛苦 aquarium n. 水族馆agonize v. 感到痛苦 aqueduct n. 引水槽
7.agri, agro, agr = field 20.arbit = to judge
agriculture n. 农业 arbiter n. 仲裁人,泰斗
agrobiology n. 农业生物学 arbitrary a. 武断的
8.alb = white 21. arch, archy = ruler, to rule, albescent a. 发白的 chief
albino n. 白化病 monarch n. 君主,帝主
architect n. 建筑师,设计师
archbishop n. 大主教
anarchy n. 无政府状态
9.alt = high 22.arm = weapon
altitude n. 高度 disarm v. 解除武器
exalt v. 升高,赞扬 armament n. 兵器
10.alter, ali = other, to change 23.art = skill, joint, trick
alteration n. 改造,改变 artful a. 巧妙的,狡猾的
alternative n. 二者择一 artifice n. 技巧
alien a. 外国的,外来的 articular a. 关节的
11.am, amor = love 24.astro, aster = star amateur n. 业余爱好者 astronaut n. 宇航员amour n. 男女爱情 astrophysics n.天体物理学
12.ambul = to walk 25.audi, audit =to hear ambulance n. 救护车,流动医院 audience n. 听众,观众
circumambulate v. 环行,绕…而行 auditorium n. 礼堂,讲堂
somnambulate v. 梦游,梦行
13. ampli = large 26.aug = to increa
amplify v. 放大,扩大 augment v. 增大
amplitude n. 广大 augmentation n. 增大,扩大
27. av, avar, avi = desire, bird
avarice n. 贪心
aviculture n. 养鸟业
1.ball, bol = to throw, dance, ball 8. bibli = book
balloon n. 气球 bibliography n. 书目提要
bullet n. 枪弹 Bible n. 圣经
ballet n. 芭蕾舞
ballistic a.弹道学的,射击学的
2.balm = balsam 9. bio, bi = life
balmy a. 芬芳的,温和的 biology n. 生物
宜家简介embalm v. 保存,铭记 biography n. 传记
3. ban = to prohibit 10. blanc = white
化疗后吃什么banish v. 驱逐出境 blanch v. 漂白,发白
abandon v. 抛弃,放弃
4. bar = weight, stick 11. brace = two arms
baric a. 气压的 bracelet n. 手镯
barometer n. 气压计 embrace v. 拥抱,包括
barrier n. 栅栏
barrage n. 阻塞,遮断
5. bas, ba =low, foundation 12. braid = to twist bament n. 地下室 braid v. 编成辫子
bass a/n. 低音的
basic a. 基础的
6. bat = to beat 13. brev, bridg = short batter v. 连续猛打 brevity n. 短暂,简洁combat n. 战斗 abridge v. 删节,削减
7. bell, bel = war, to fight
rebellion n. 反叛,反抗
bellico a. 好战的
1.cad, cas, cid = to fall 24. calor = heat
casual a. 偶然的 calorie n. 热卡
decadence n. 衰落,堕落 calorify v. 加热
accidental a. 偶然的
2.cand = white, glow 25. camp = field
incandescence n. 白热 campus n. 校园
candle n. 蜡烛,烛光 campaign n. 战役
3. cant, cent = song, to sing 26. car, char = dear chant n. 圣歌,赞美歌 charity n. 慈爱,慈善cantata n. 清唱剧 cherish v. 珍爱
accent n. 口音,重音
accentuate v. 强调,重读
4. cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, 27. card, chart = paper cup = to take, to hold chart n. 图表capacity n. 容量,才能 charter n. 特许状,契约captive n. 俘虏
capture v. 捉拿
accept v. 接受,承认
receive v. 接受,收到
anticipate v. 预料,预期
participate v. 参加,共享
occupy v. 占领,使用
occupation n. 职业,占有
5. cap, capit = head 28. cav = hole
capital a./n. 首要的,首都,资本 cave n. 洞穴
captain n. 首领,船长 excavate v. 挖掘
capitation n. 人头税,丁税
6. card, cordi = heart 29. cens = to judge cardiac a. 心脏的 censor n. 审查员
cordial a. 真诚的 censure n. 责难
accord n. 一致,符合,协调
7. carn = flesh 30. chor = to dance, to sing carnage n. 屠杀 chorus n. 合唱(队)
carnation n. 肉色 choreography n. 舞蹈设计carnival n. 狂欢节,谢肉节 choir n. 合唱队
8. ced, ceed, cess = to go 31. chrom = color antecedent a. 先行的,以前的 monochrome a. 单色的
ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗 chromatic a. 彩色的
concede v. 让步,容许
precede v. 在先,优于张耀公
proceed v. 继续进行,前进
process n. 过程,进行
9. celer = quick, speed 32. cil = to call accelerate v. 加速,加快 conciliate v. 安慰,劝诱decelerate v. 减速 reconcile v. 和解
10. cent = hundred 33. civ = citizen century n. 世纪 civil a. 市民的
percentage n. 百分率 civilization n. 文明
11. center, centr = center 34. coct = to cook concentrate v. 集中,浓缩 concoct v. 编造,虚构
concentric a. 同心的,集中的 decoct v. 煎,熬
月光的唯美的诗句12. cern, cert, cret = sure 35. cogn = to know concern v. 关系到 n. 关心 cognition n. 认知,认识certainty n. 确实,确定 recognize v. 认出