Photoshop Tutorials邱清泉
3D Button
1.Invoke menu File - . Enter 500 for both width and height and make sure that
their units are “pixels”. Choo “White” for the Background Contents. And click OK.
2.Find the Info panel on the right side of the screen, then click on its drop-down menu
and invoke
3.In the Info Palette Options dialog box that pops up, make sure that the Mou Coor-
dinates Ruler Units is t to “Pixels” and click OK. This would configure the Info panel to display mou coordinates and shape dimensions in pixels so you can get pixel-level accuracy.
4.Next, locate the shape tool in the toolbox on the left side of the screen.
The tooltip of the tool should read “Rectangle tool (U)” but it’s actually a single icon
for veral shape tools. Click and hold down the mou on that button and you’ll get
a popup menu. Select the cond tool on the menu: “Rounded Rectangle Tool”.
5.In the toolbar at the top of the screen,
手小make sure that the first icon in the first group of icon (tooltip “Shape layers”) is -lected.
6.In that same toolbar, t the Radius (of the corners of the rounded rectangle) to 15
7.In that same toolbar, click on the color box next “Color:” and t the color to R: 128,
G: 128, B: 128 and click OK.
8.Draw a rectangle on the canvas. Watch the “w” and “h” readings in the Info panel on
the right so that you end up with a rectangle measuring approximately 100 x 30 pix-els.
9.Note that this rectangle is created on a new “layer”, called “Shape 1” layer and
shown in the Layers panel on the right:
Layers are Photoshop’s mechanism for you to work on different aspects of a graph-ics independently, and then compo them all together for the final result. This is good when you only want to apply some effects only to some lective parts of the design.
10.Note that there is a black border around the gray rectangle on the canvas. This is
the shape object that you drew. It won’t be a part of your final graphics. To turn it off, invoke menu View - Show and uncheck Target Path.
11.Now we need to apply some effects on the gray rounded rectangle. Right-click on
the Shape 1 layer in the Layers panel and invoke Blending Options. You should get the Layer Style dialog box.
12.Click on Drop Shadow in the list on the left of the dialog box (that should check its
checkbox, too).
13.On the right, t Angle to 90 degrees (for top down shadow), t Opacity to 50%,
Distance to 2 pixels, Size to 3 pixels. The ttings can be tweaked to satisfaction.
14.On the left, click on Stroke, and t Size to 1 pixel, Position to Center, and Color to
R: 96, G: 96, B: 96.
15.Click OK to clo the dialog box. Now the button has a border and a drop shadow.
(Note that the effects are visible while you still had the dialog box open.)
16.Now we need to add a highlight on the button to make it look 3D. This is done by
adding a gradient on top of it. In the Layers panel, hold down the Ctrl key (on Win-dows, or the Command key on the Mac) and click on the shape icon in the Shape 1 layer--the one to the right of the two icons:
混蛋英语17.What that does is to generate a lection from the content of the Shape 1 layer,
shown as a dashed, moving elastic band on the canvas:
18.At the bottom of the Layers panel, there are veral buttons:
Click on the cond last button on the left (tooltip “Create a new layer”) to create a new, empty layer in which we will render the gradient.
19.Select the Gradient Tool from the toolbox on the left. You might have to click and
hold if you only e the Paint Bucket Tool.
20.In the toolbar at the top, pick the black to white gradient from the gradient drop-
21.On the canvas, click down about 30 pixels below the gray rounded rectangle (about
its own height) and drag up to about 30 pixels above the rectangle. Hold down the Shift key while dragging so that the gradient line is vertical.
22.When you relea the mou, you should e something like this:
23.To get rid of the lection elastic band, invoke menu Select - Delect.
24.Now we need to add the text caption. Select the Text tool in the toolbox on the left:
25.Then in the toolbar at the top, t the font to Myriad Pro, Regular, 12 pt (or Arial if
you don’t have Myriad Pro).
26.In the same toolbar, click on the box with the tooltip “Set the text color” and choo泊船瓜洲古诗带拼音
27.Then somewhere inside the gray rounded rectangle in the canvas, and type some-
thing like “Hello”.
28.Note that this creates a text layer, as shown in the Layers panel on the right.