Ca 8: Testing a New HIV Vaccine
Ca 8: Testing a New HIV Vaccine
财政政策有哪些Viravax, a UK-bad company has developed a vaccine against HIV that appears promising. Animal studies were very successful and pha I and pha II trials demonstr
ated that the vaccine was remarkably safe and that it produced significant antibody levels in esntially all of the volunteers. The company now wishes to begin pha III trials in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where previous surveillance has identified a cohort of intravenous drug urs (IDU) with a high rate of conversion to HIV-1. Such a study could be completed in two years. The Vietname Government has expresd interest in having the study conducted in their country and begins negotiations with Viravax. The vaccine, which is specifically directed against the strain that predominates in the Vietname IDU population, will be provided free by Viravax. Viravax will also cover the cost of conducting the study, which will be carried out by the Vietnam Vaccine Institute. In addition to the study costs, the company will provide all of the laboratory equipment necessary to conduct the studies, ten computers for the Institute, and two vehicles to visit the study sites. The company agrees that if the vaccine proves effective it will be given free of charge to the IDU population of the city and at cost to the country for five years.
This will be a randomized double blind prospective study with one group receiving the test vaccine and the other group receiving a placebo. All potential participants will be test
ed for HIV prior to being enrolled in the study, and if they are HIV+ they will be referred to one of the municipal hospitals of the Ho Chi Minh City Corporation. The company and the Institute also agree that anyone who converts to HIV+ during the study will be referred to one of the Municipal Corporation hospitals to be treated by the standard method published in the Ministry of Public Health document, "Guidelines for the Clinical Management of HIV Infection in Children and Adults.” This means that all infections are treated but patients are not given anti-retroviral drugs, including AZT, or protea inhibitors. If there are any changes to the standard therapy recommended by the government, all previous (and future roconvertors) will be switched to the new therapy. The Municipal Corporation will provide treatment for the lifetime of the roconverted participants. Individuals can drop out at any time without fear of prejudice.
The informed connt process will have two stages. First, potential participants will be briefed about the study, including an explanation of the experimental nature of the vaccine and the treatment policy. Two days following the initial briefing the individuals will return to the Institute where they are given a brief oral and written exam to e if they full
y understand the study and their rights. They will only be enrolled if they pass the test. The study is submitted to the Ethical Review Board of the Institute and to a firm that conducts ethical reviews for companies in the private ctor who wish to conduct rearch on human subjects. The protocol is also reviewed informally and commented on by UNAIDS at the request of the Ministry of Public Health Technical Subcommittee on HIV Vaccines. The Subcommittee approves the protocol and forwards it to the Ministry of Public Health Ethical Committee. All review boards approve the study.
After the study has begun, an article condemning the study appears in an AIDS activist group’s publication. The group objects to the fact that the study does not provide state-of-the-art care for roconverting individuals. They argue that the only reason the study is being conducted in
Vietnam is becau it is much less expensive to do there, as triple therapy is not required (which would be necessary if the study was conducted in the UK). They feel that the study (as prently designed) would never be approved by a UK government committee
or a university ethical review committee in the UK. Viravax counters that the u of state-of-the-art therapy would in itlf be unethical becau the treatment regimen would not be sustainable in Vietnam and only one small group would have access to this therapy. In addition, the physicians in Vietnam would be unfamiliar with the therapy and unaware of all the possible side effects. And lastly, by offering the best care available in the world, the study would be giving an unfair inducement to participate.