读后续写范例 (四篇)
The other day I was travelling to San Antonio by train to visit my sister. The train was a little crowded and there was a young man sitting next to the window. Since it was a hot day, I wanted that window at more than anything el at that time As a young lady, I thought the young man would give me the at if I asked him. So I smiled at him and asked whether he could give up his at and take another one. To my surpri, he said that he needed that at and refud my request. I had no choice but to take the at next to him.
The train was crossing station after station .The weather was so hot that the scenery(风景) outside the window could not attract my interest I had nothing to do, so I started to focus my 怎么看系统版本attention on the young man and stare at him up and down. He wore a blue shirt and there w
as a shawl(披巾) on his legs. He did not even ri from his at once, which made me feel a little bit strange. Moreover, only a madman would u a shawl in such hot weather, I thought.
人类的起源和进化After the five-hour long journey, the train arrived at the final stop. I picked up my bag and stood up, waiting for the door to open. I gave a neglectful (不经意的) look at the young man and asked, “The train has arrived at the final station. Are you not getting off?" Hearing my words, he began to smile at me and said in a calm voice, "Someone has to come for me and take me off the train becau I can’t do it by mylf. "I gave my full attention to his legs, only to find there was nothing under that shawl!
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厨师英语怎么写The man was a disabled person.______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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After hearing his story, I could not meet his eyes any more._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________十个一是什么
The man was a disabled person. Both of his legs were gone. I couldn't believe what I saw and didn't know how to ea my embarrassment. Seeing the surprid expression on my face, the young man explained, “I lost both of my legs in a car accident three years ago. I' m a medical student and went to pay a visit to my parents and now I am returning to school. One of my classmates will come to pick me up.深化在线
电脑自动关机指令Paragraph 2
After hearing his story, I could not meet his eyes anymore! I wished I could disappear in front of him at that moment. I didn't get off the train until his classmate walked to his at and picked him up. How could I have such a strange idea about a person without knowin
g him? I realized it's always necessary to understand the truth behind someone’s words or actions. I have given up my wrong opinions about others without thinking since then.
Rain is pouring down today, which brings back sweet memories of our dog, Bambi. She joined our family at the age of four months. Like all puppies, she was full of energy and wonder. Our boys described excitedly that she looked just like the young deer, Bambi, in the movie they had watched recently. The name fitted her personality perfectly.
Bambi also had all the fine physical characteristics of the German Shepherd. She was strong, yet gentle and shy. We were a young family with two growing, energetic boys, so she fitted right in with our lifestyle. Bambi loved the boys. She would play with them until they were completely tired .
When Bambi was almost two years old, a full-grown dog, she became quite protective of us. She never failed to watch the boys. If any stranger entered our yard, she d watch him
or her with sharp eyes and let out a low bark. Even though Bambi had this protective instinct(本能), she never hurt anyone. Nevertheless, she did manage to frighten(惊吓) away many welcome and unwelcome guests.
On one occasion, I had called a repairman to come to our home to fix the refrigerator. I was at work, and the boys were home with the babysitter I told the repairman by phone that we had a dog, but it would be safe to enter the hou becau the babysitter would be there to meet him. However when the repairman arrived, the babysitter and boys went outside. As he went clo to our front door, Bambi was outside and she barked at him while she guarded the door. As long as the man attempted to move, Bambi would jump up and bark more fiercely(凶猛地)。 This man had never en such a fierce dog before and was frightened too much. He had no idea whether to go away or scream for help.
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Luckily, the babysitter and boys returned from their walk at that time._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.行测时间分配