⼀碗英语|第六期哲学故事《镜⼦》Mic ha els Sto r y Tim e⼀碗故事会
高中作文题目Once a dog ran into a muum-where
all the walls, the ceiling, the doors and
even the floors were made of mirror
Seeing this, the dog froze in surpri in
关于心the middle of the hall, a whole pack of
dogs surrounded it from all sides, from
above and below. The dog barked and
the echo was keeping up. The dog
tosd from one side to another, biting
the air his reflections also tosd
around snapping their teeth. Next
morning, the muum curity guards
found the mirable dog, lifeless and
写景的开头surrounded by a million reflections of
lifeless dogs. There was nobody, who
had harmed the dog. The dog died by
fighting with his own reflections英文文章阅读
The world doesn t bring good or evil on
its own. Everything that is happening
第一次长沙会战around us is the reflection of our own
thoughts, feelings, Wishes and actions人工地震
The world is a big mirror So lets strike
a good po