1) black and white 黑白分明, 是非分明
2) feeling blue 感觉难过,心情忧郁
阿拉哈巴德3) green with envy十分嫉妒
4) golden opportunity绝好的机会
5) tickled pink 非常开心,高兴的要命 选自OMG美语
black list 黑名单;black box 飞机上记录飞行数据的黑盒子;blackberry 黑莓(手机);black belt 黑带级选手 ;black-eyed peas 黑眼豆豆演唱团;Black Friday 黑色星期五(感恩节过后大减价的购物日); Black Monday倒霉的星期一,复活节后的星期一 ; black hole 黑洞;blac
k ice 黑冰 (指柏油马路上薄薄一层几乎看不见的冰)。blackmail 敲诈,勒索 ;blackout 断电,中断 ; blackball 反对票; black sheep害群之马; black tea 红茶; black eye 发青的眼圈, 不好的名声 ;blackboard黑板
in the black 赚钱,相对 in the red 亏损。
black out 失去知觉。My legs gave way and I blacked out. 我两腿一软,昏了过去。black out 也可以说 pass out. I felt like I was gonna pass out and had to sit down for a while. 我感觉要昏,只好坐下歇会。blackout连在一起是停电
a black mark 污点。The incident left a black mark on his record. 这件事在他的记录上留下了污点。
the black sheep of the family 败家子,不孝子。还有 (something) is the new black. 意思是某件事是时下最流行的。如:Microblogging is the new black. 时下流行微博。
White 系列一。
a white lie 善意的谎言;white-collar 白领;White Hou 白宫;white pages 电话查询簿;Snow White 白雪公主;white noi 白噪音;white water rafting 激流漂流;white chocolate 白巧克力;white Christmas 白色圣诞节;rai the white flag 举白旗;whitelist 将…列入优秀者名单;white-knuckle 神经紧张的,引起神经紧张的
white 系列二
white elephant 累赘,负担。Jack won a boat on the game show. It turned out to be such a white elephant. He had to pay through his no for its maintenance. Jack在有奖竞猜游戏节目中赢了一条船,保养费贵得要命,简直就是个累赘。
in black and white 白纸黑字。Plea write it down in black and white. 请写下来。Here is the evidence, in black and white. 这是证据,白纸黑字。另: black-and-white 黑白分明的。It's very complicated. It's not a black-and-white issue. 这事很复杂,不是要么对,要么错。
white-bread 白面包,买三明治时别人会问你what kind of bread, white or wheat? white就是白面包,wheat 是麦面的。white-bread 也形容传统的,没有新意的事物,如 He left the white-bread life in a small town and went to the big city. 他抛弃了无聊的小镇生活,到大城市去。
as white as a sheet 面色苍白;She was as white as a sheet when she heard the news. 她听到消息后,脸色苍白。white knuckle something 历险。The roller coaster was so scary. I had to white knuckle the entire ride. 这个云霄飞车吓死人了,从头到尾我一直胆战心惊。
green card 绿卡,Green Bay Packers 绿湾包装工队(美国著名橄榄球队);the Green B
erets 绿色贝雷帽,专指美国陆军特种部队; the Masters green jacket 指的是美国大师高尔夫球赛冠军得主穿的绿色西装上衣;还有推动环保的国际性非政府组织 Greenpeace 绿色和平。
我相信的歌词the green-eyed monster 嫉妒。She is suffering from a major ca of the green-eyed monster. 她嫉妒得要命。或:someone is green with envy. 如: She was green with envy when she saw her ex-boyfriend with another girl. 她看到前男友跟另外一个女孩在一起,嫉妒得要命。
green light 是绿灯,give someone the green light 意思是批准。My boss gave me the green light to implement the plan. 老板批准我开始落实计划。have a green thumb 特别擅长种花种草。I didn't know you had such a green thumb. 我以前还真不知道你这么擅长种东西。
blue-blooded 带有皇室血统的;blue-eyed 蓝眼睛的,白人的,受宠爱的blue-eyed boy 宠儿blue-collar 蓝领,体力劳动者;blue book value (一般指美国人在买卖旧车时参考的价格标准);blue chip 蓝筹股;bluetooth 蓝牙;还有 Blue Cross Blue Shield (美国最大的医疗保险公司之一,蓝十字蓝盾牌保险公司);blue movie 色情电影;blueberry 蓝莓;bluebell 野风信子,风铃草;blueprint 蓝图,设计图 ;blues 布鲁斯音乐,忧郁的情绪 R&B =rhythm and blues
out of the blue 突如其来的。I haven't heard a word from him for 10 years, and one day he just showed up out of the blue. 他一连十年音信皆无,有一天突然出现。
once in a blue moon 很少见。他们特抠门。They only go out to eat once in a blue moon. 很少出去吃饭。
black-and-blue 青一块紫一块。 until you are blue in the face 说破大天(别人也不会听)。You can try to persuade me until you're blue in the face, but I won't change my mind. 你就算说破大天,我也不会改主意。
blue-and-white 青花 The Blue-and-white Porcelain Porcelain 青花瓷小兵张嘎的故事
baby blues 产后忧郁. She is suffering from baby blues.
在我国red(红色)是吉祥喜庆的标志,逢年过节总会用红色来装饰自己的住宅,希望来年能有个好兆头。但在西方国家却是危险的信号。Red flag 是我们在节日中悬挂的表示喜庆之物,而在英语中却可以把它理解为“危险讯号”(a danger signal)。Red light红灯)已被普遍采用为“夜间危险信号”(a light of red colour ud at night as a danger signal)或“禁止车辆通行的信号灯”(a signal to stop vehicles)。不同的文化背景和习俗会对同一颜色有着不同的理解。即使在英国和美国,有时也存在着某些差异。例如 red cap(红帽)在英国是指“宪兵”(a military policeman),而在美国,则指“(火车站为旅客搬行李的)搬运工”(a man who carries things for travellers at railway station)。
redhead 红头发的人。code red 紧急情况。red card 红牌警告;The Red Cross 红十字会;red meat 红肉类(牛肉羊肉等生的时候是红颜色的肉,相对 red meat 的是 white meat 鸡肉鸭肉等),red wine 红酒;red light 红灯; 还有 red light district 自然就是红灯区。
in the red 入不敷出, My bank account was always in the red when I was in college. 我上大学的时候银行帐户经常透支。e red 暴怒。I really saw red today when I was wrongly accud of lying to my boss. 今天我被无端指责对上司撒谎,把我肺都要气炸了。be in red 穿红衣服