Lesson Fourteen
1.I Would Like to Tell You Something
I would like to tell you something about what veterans老兵are doing in this country, and about our feeling now that we’ve come back from a war we didn't really want to fight.
我们从一场我们并不想打的战争中返回家园,我想告诉你们退伍正在这个国家里做些什么,告诉你们我们的感受。罗马法的发展历程 淮南王刘安简介
A little over a week ago we held an investigation in Detroit
where over 150 honorably discharged veterans光榮退伍的老兵, many of them highly decorated, testified to war crimes committed in Indochina
—not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.
The investigation was not staged so that veterans could spill out their hearts or purge their souls;
it was done to prove that the policy of the United States in Indochina is tantamount 等價to genocide大量屠殺,
and that not only the soldiers are responsible for what is happening, but that everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization暴行 and de-personalization冷漠 to go on is responsible.
It was done also to show that you don't start making things right by procuting 起訴William Galley, no matter how guilty he may be;
you also procute the men who encouraged the situation.
It was done to show that there is not just one Mylai but countless Mylais and they are continuing every single day.
There was an almost total press blackout on the testimony証詞 of tho veterans.
But this isn't new to tho of us who were in the war.
I can remember traveling to Saigon and trying to talk to the admiral海軍上將who commanded the naval forces to tell him that what we were doing was wrong.
I remember going to a writer for a national magazine and telling him this was a story the American people should hear.
He agreed, but said it would never get by his desk becau the Army would rescind 取消廢除the magazine's accreditation報道權 to cover the war,
and if you don't cover the war you don't ll magazines, and if you don't ll magazines then nothing happens becau that’s the American way.
But the press isn't the only party in this country that's guilty of this rampant 滋生蔓延innsitivity.
When I went to the chairman of the board of a large New York-bad firm and asked him for money to help us get transcripts of the testimony to prent to each member of Congress so that we can press管理新思维 our demands for open hearings,
1 was told in riousness: "I don't think you can market war crimes—it s a marketing question, you know.”
And then in the next breath to his executive vice-president: "Hell, we ud to do that in World War II. Christ, what's new?"
We all know that this de-nsitizing started a long time ago in this country, but it is carried out in a far more vicious way with the soldier.
At boot camp 新兵訓練營he's prented with a poster in his barracks兵營 of a crucified 十字架上Vietname and underneath it says, "Kill the gooks."
The message begins to sink in.
During training, calisthenics are done to a four-count,
and at the end of the four-count everybody jumps up and yells "Kill!"
For the Marines at Camp Pendleton, before they depart for Vietnam, there's a very special treat;
the rgeant takes a live rabbit and skins it, tearing it open, pulling out the entrails 內臟to throw at the asmbled soldiers, saying, "That's how it's done in Nam; go get'em. Marines!”