N 1nail n. 指甲 t oe-nail 脚指甲 t o cut nails 剪指甲 钉子 H e hammered a nail into the wall and hung N 2naïve
N 3naked adj. 赤裸的,裸体的 a naked child 光屁股的孩子 a s naked as the day he was born 像出生N 4name name after
田蕴章书法N 5namely N 6nap n.
1. 打盹儿,午睡[C]
N 7napkin N 8narrate vt.
1. 讲(故事);叙述
N 9narrative
N 10narrow N 11nasty a.
1. 龌龊的;令人作呕的;使人
N 12nation
N 13national
N 14nationality
N 15native
N 161
N 17nature in nature
by nature
N 18naught
N 19n au ghty adj. -tier, -tiest 没规矩的;顽皮的;淘气的;不听话的 t he naughtiest boy in the class 班N 20naval adj. 海军的;军舰的
N 21navigation
N 22navy
男生签名N 23near
N 24nearby
N 25nearly
N 26neat adj. 整齐的;整洁的 a neat desk 整洁的书桌 S he always kept her room neat. 她总是保持N 27necessary
N 28nece ssitate
N 29necessity
N 30neck
N 31necklace
N 32need
N 33needle n. 针,缝衣针 S he ud a needle to w the button onto the shirt. 她用针把扣子钉到衬衫N 34negative
N 35neglect vt. 疏忽,忽视 I f you neglect this property, it will depreciate. 如果你忽视这份资产,它无N 36negligence
N 37n egli gible
N 38negotiate
N 39negro
N 40neighbour
N 41neighb or hood
N 42neither neither…nor
N 43neon
N 44n e phew
N 45nerve
N 46nervous
N 47nest
N 48net
N 49network
N 50neutral adj. 中间的 浅色的;无色的,非彩色的 t rours of a neutral color that look good with N 51neutron
N 52never
N 53nevertheless
N 54new
N 55news
N 56newscaster
N 57newspaper
N 58newsreel
N 59next
N 60nice N 61nickle n.
1. (美国和加拿大的)五分镍
N 62nickname
N 63nicotine
N 64niece n. 侄女;外甥女N 65night
N 66nil
N 67nine
N 68ninety
N 69nin th
N 70nitrogen n.氮
N 71no
N 72noble
N 73nobody
N 74nod vt., vi. -dd- 点头 S he nodded to show that she agreed with me. 她点头表示同意我的意见N 75noi
N 76noisy
N 77nominal N 78nominate vt.
1. 提名[(+for/as)][O2]
N 79none
N 80nonetheless居安思危作文
N 81nonn n. 无意义的话;不合理的文章;胡扯 S he told me that the moon was made of chee. W N 82noon
N 83nor
N 84norm
N 85normal
N 86normalization
N 87north
N 88northeast
N 89northern
N 90northward also northwards N 91northwest
N 92no
N 93nostalgic
N 94nostril
N 95not
N 96notable
N 97notation
N 98note
N 99notebook
N 100noteworthy
N 101nothing nothing but
N 102notice
N 103noticeable
N 104notify N 105notion n.[C]
1. 概念;想法;见解
N 106notorious adj. 臭名远扬的, 臭名昭彰的 a notorious gambler 声名狼藉的赌棍 S uch a notorious pe N 107notwithstanding
N 108noun
N 109nourish vt. 滋养;给…以营养 n ourishing food 滋补食物 孕育,怀有(希望等) t o nourish a d N 110novel
N 111novelty
N 112November
N 113now every now and then
just now
now and then/1. 偶尔;有时
now that
N 114now a days
N 115nowhere
N 116nuclear
N 117nucl eu s
N 118nude
N 119n ui sance n. 讨厌的人;讨厌的事 D on't make a nuisance of yourlf. 别那么讨厌。 W hat a nuisa N 120numb
N 121number a number of
the number of高中美术教学计划
N 122numerical
N 123numerous adj. 许多的 n umerous books 许多书 数目众多的 T ho birds have become more numerou N 124nun
N 125nur
N 126n ur ry n. -ries 婴儿室 托儿所 T he nurry teacher made the children sit bolt upright. 幼儿园的老N 127nurture
N 128nut n. 果核,坚果;果仁 螺母,螺丝帽 傻子;疯子 W hat a nut he is! 他真是个疯子啊! 着N 129nutrient
N 130nutrition
N 131nylon
nought n. 零 (0) naught的变体
nickel n. 〈化〉镍(元素符号为: Ni) (美国、加拿大的)五分镍币
apprehend capture catch hold ize cure hook snare
hammered a nail into the wall and hung a picture on it. 他把钉子钉进墙,然后把画挂在上面。
无遮盖的 n aked lights 没罩子的灯 明显的,显然的 t he naked facts 明显的事实
naked nude bare 都含“没有衣物或必需的遮蔽物的”、“赤裸”的意思。naked 指“没 a s naked as the day he was born 像出生那天一样赤裸着
name after 与(另一人)同名: J ohn was named after
at heart 1. 在本质上 T he two are different in nature. 两者在本质
1. 天生地;出于本性地 S he is quiet and shy by nature. 她
bad disobedient disorderly evil wrong well-mannered
听话的 t he naughtiest boy in the class 班上最顽皮的孩子 T ho naughty boys have been acting up again. 那些陶气的男孩子又在调皮捣
adept clean expert trim proficient well-done well-kept di
always kept her room neat. 她总是保持房间整洁。 有条理的;爱整洁的 C ats are neat animals. 猫是爱整洁的动物。 简洁的 a neat des
onto the shirt. 她用针把扣子钉到衬衫上。 针叶;针状物 a pine needle 松树的针叶 编织针;勾针 k nitting needles 编织毛衣的针 唱针 注
neglect overlook slight 都含“忽略”、“疏忽”的意思。 n eglect强调“疏忽”、“忽略depreciate. 如果你忽视这份资产,它无形中就贬值了。 T he animals were thin and ill becau the farmer had neglected them. 这些牲口瘦
of a neutral color that look good with any color of socks 和任何颜色的袜子都相配的浅色裤子 中性的,中和的 不带电的 中立国的 中
cool detached impartial independent indifferent unprejudic
bend bob bow signal tip
d with me. 她点头表示同意我的意见。 打盹;打瞌睡 I nodded off in th
e meeting and didn't hear what was said. 我在会上打瞌睡,没有
齿字组词absurdity folly pop pycock ridiculousness rubbish stupi
me that the moon was made of chee. What nonn! 她告诉我月亮是奶酪做的,真是胡说八道! 愚蠢的行为 S top that nonn, chi