1.detective:n 侦探adj 侦探的,探测的
Several detectives have been assigned to the ca.
He unbent his mind by reading detective stories.
We must get to the airport at nine o’clock.
3.expect 期待,等待expectation 期望,预料
I am expecting a letter from my mother.
expect(sb) to do sth
I expect them to win.司法体制改革
婴儿可以坐飞机吗4.valuable 贵重的priceless 无价的,worthy有价值的,wealthy富
赵公明有的,rich, precious宝贵的,expensive
Your help is most valuable.
5.steal 偷stole, stolen, steals, stealing steal sth from sb
6.main 主要的,主要(部分)
7.curity guard
8.stone The town has an old stone bridge.
9.Sand 沙子,沙滩,沙地春节快乐手抄报
We lay on the sand and sunbathed.