1. Encourage: to inspire or motivate someone to do something其实的拼音
2. Endor: to publicly declare support for a person, product, or idea
3. Enrich: to improve or enhance the quality or value of something
侨港风情街4. Enhance: to increa or improve the attractiveness or effectiveness of something
5. Enlarge: to make something bigger or more extensive
6. Enlighten: to provide knowledge or understanding to someone
怎么学习唱歌7. Enlist: to enroll or recruit someone for a specific purpo or cau
君陈8. Enforce: to ensure compliance with a law or rule by imposing penalties or punishment研学
9. Encode: to convert information into a code for curity or other purpos砂锅皮蛋瘦肉粥
10. Engage: to actively involve or participate in something.碗莲多久开花>醒悟是什么意思