小器具【2 】刀 /knife/ 叉 /fork/ 勺 /spoon/蚂蚁的故事
盘子.碟子 /plate/ 托盘 /rver/
汤碗 /soup bowl/ 面碗 /noodle bowl/
咖啡杯 /coffee cup/mug/ 玻璃杯 /glass/
牙签 /toothpick/ 餐巾纸 /napkin/
夹子 /bill clamp/ 刷子 /blush/ 瓶起子/
小票 /receipt/ 发票 /invoice/
收银机/cash register/ 吸管 /sucker/
吧台 /bar counter/ 厨房 /kitchen/ 菜单/menu/ 收银员/casher/ 零钱/change/ 小费/tip/
现金 /cash/ 信誉卡 /credit card/
插座/outlet/ 地址/address/ 桌子/desk/table/ 味道
甜的 /sweet/ 苦的 /bitter/ 咸的 /salty/
酸的 /sour/ 辣的 /spicy/ 热的 /hot/
冷的 /cold/
糖 /sugar/ 盐 /salt/ 芝士 /chee/
黑胡椒 /black pepper/ 番茄酱 /tomato sauce/ 酱油 /soy sauce/ 醋 /acetum/
登机口/boarding gate/ 廊桥/lounge bridge/ 登机牌/boarding check/ 护照/passport/
司理/manager/ 办事员/waiter/waitress/
洗手间/toilet/washroom/ 抽烟室/smokingroom/ 介绍/recommend/ 点餐/take order/
打开/关上/turn on/off/ 窗边/by the window/
一向往前走/go straight ahead/
上楼/go upstairs/ 下楼/go downstairs/
电梯/elevator/ 医务室/infirmary/
餐厅/restaurant/ 便利店/store/
花千骨片头曲警务室/The police office/
甜点 /desrt/ 牛角面包/croissant/
冰淇淋 /ice cream/ 约翰丹尼 /Jon Donaire/
丹麦酥 /danish/ 蛋糕 /cake/ 蓝莓/blueberry/
抹茶/matches/ 芒果/mango/ 提拉米苏/tiramisu/ 黑色林/black forest/ 哈根达斯/Haagen-Dazs/
美式咖啡/Café Americano/ 拿铁/Café latte/
卡布奇诺/Cappuccino/ 意式浓缩/Espresso/
榛果/Hazelnut/ 榛果拿铁/Hazelnut Latte/
摩卡/mocha/ 果喷鼻摩卡/Hazelnut Mocha/ 玛奇朵/Machiato/ 焦糖/caramel/
果汁/juice/ 冰沙/smoothie/
哈密瓜/Hami melon/ 西瓜/watermelon/
橙子/orage/ 猕猴桃/kiwi/ 喷鼻蕉/banana/ 芒果/mango/ 草莓/straberry/ 樱桃/cherry/ 西红柿/tomato/ 火龙果/dragonfruit/
榴莲/durian/ 菠萝/pineapple/ 木瓜/papaya/ 主食
主食/staple food/ 三文治/sandwich/
面条/noodle/ 焗饭/baked rice/
意大利面/spaghetti/ 披萨/pizza/
面包/bread/ 蔬菜/vegetable/ 汤/soup/
火腿/ham/ 培根/bacon/ 鸡肉/chicken/
温度计怎么用牛肉/beef/ 牛扒/fillet steak/
请问您几位 /How many people of you?/
您这边请 /This way plea/
坐这里可以吗 /How about this table?/
请在这里列队 /Plea line up here/
请当心.地滑 /Plea take care,its wet/
这是我们的菜单/Here is our menu/
可以点餐了吗?/May I have you order?now/
您只有一位吗?/Just one person?/
来一个XXX如何?/How about XXXX?/ /Would you like to haveXXX?/ 驾临,打搅一下 /Excues me/
我们有三款三文治/We have 3 kins of sandwich/
还有其他吗? /Anything el?/And then?/
我可以帮您吗?/Can I help you?/
我给您反复一下订单/let me repeat the order for you/
九一八观后感请您先买单 /Plea pay the bill first/
一共是XXX钱 /The money is XXXX/
您能说慢一点吗?/Can you speak more slowly?/
这是我们的招牌菜Here is our hou specialty
生怕您要等5分钟There will be a wait of 5 minutes
对不起今天没有XX.Sorry there is no xx today
对不起XX已经卖完了.The XX was sold out
试一下其他菜如何? Would you like to something eles ?
需不须要加冰?With or without ice?
您是在这里吃照样打包? Do you want to stay here or take it away?公费留学生申请条件
立时就好.Straight away,sir!
请慢用!(菜已经上齐)Enjoy it plea!
我可以把杯撤走吗?May I take the glass away?
我可以收一下桌子吗?May I clean the table?
须要再来点甜品吗Would you like some desrt?
抱歉,我们生怕不能如许做. Sorry,I m afraid we can’t do that.
我们餐厅早上6点开门,晚上11点关门Our restaurant opens at 6 o’clock in the morning,and clos at 11:00 in the evening
你须要买单对吗? Do you want to pay for the bill?
一共是XX元. The money is XX yuan.
这是找你的零钱,感谢你的惠临. Here is your change,thank you for coming.
请问你是离开结账照样一路买单? Do you want to parated bills ,or just one single bill?
请在这里签字. Plea sign here.
可以给我开辟票吗?可以. May I have an invoice? sure./yes.
抱歉,我们不接收外币付账. Sorry,we don’t accept foreign currency.
你可以应用美元.欧元.港币付账 You can pay in U.S dollars\Euro\H.K dollars 感谢你的惠临 Thank you for coming.