颠沛的意思Recurrent paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria in a 3-year-old child: a ca report
养乌龟用什么水招聘小品期刊名称: Transfusion Medicine
作者: C J C Taylor,J R Neilson,D Chandra,Z Ibrahim
年份: 2010年
期号: 第5期先染发还是先烫发
嘴唇黑是什么原因关键词: autoimmune haemolysis;ca report;childhood;paroxysmal cold
刘禹锡的简介摘要:Summary. We prent the ca of a 3-year-old girl who prented on two parate occasions, eight months apart, with typical features of paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria (PCH). On each occasion, she suffered malai and fever with dark urine following an upper respiratory tract infection. She developed vere anaemia and required transfusion of red cells on both occasions, although each time she made a quick recovery. She was found to be direct antiglobulin test-positive with
anti-C3d, and agglutination was obrved on the blood film. A biphasic Donath–Landsteiner antibody was demonstrated. The specificity of the antibody was not identified, although it was not anti-P. As far as we are aware, recurrence of acute PCH in a child has not been previously reported in the literature.