Chapter One No one left !"# -个人&'()
江苏南菁高级中学刘珂The Secret Garden (《秘密花园》)是家喻户晓的儿童文学 女作家弗朗西丝•霍奇森•伯内特最负盛名的经典作品。书中 有许多充满童趣又浪漫的情节,内容注重对人性光明面的描 写o 这本书一直是英美家庭孩子们的必备文学读物o 本书出自 书虫•牛津英汉双语读物-he Secret Garden o 小女孩玛丽被送往亲戚家中收养后, 的乡野,与淳朴的人们相处,她渐渐变得平 人。一天深夜,玛
丽 秘 一 的
反器材武器,被带到怪而孤僻的表兄科林面前。玛丽带着科林一起进入了庄园里 被关闭多年的秘密花园。孩子们在生机勃勃的小天地里不受干
,学 人, 的天性。
1. itchy /'lt#i/ ad/.发痒的
拔牙后发烧2. scowl /skaol/ /.怒视
离职补偿When cholera swept through the hou in India where ten -year -old Mary Lennox lived, it killed her mother, her father and her rvants.
Mary only survived by hiding herlf away.Days later she was found by two soldiers. They stared at each other, wondering what to do
with this little orphan girl.
青藏特产"Poor little kid, ” said one. "There is no - 3. corridor /'knrld'l (r )/ n .(建筑物内的)走廊; 通道;过body left. ”Mary sighed as the train pulled out of the
station. "More travelling! ” she thought to her lf. 'Tve been going from person to person for weeks, like the booby prize (末等奖)in passing
the parcel." She was going to stay with the only relation she had left, her Uncle Archibald in Yorkshire.26 Crazy English