小学英语作文:不开心的杰克 The Unhappy Jack
Jack was a little boy. He was not happy. He didn't like to go to school. He didn't like to play with his friends. He was always alone.
One day, Jack's mother took him to the park. She wanted him to be happy. She said, "Let's play some games. Let's fly a kite. Let's have some fun!"
侯银匠Jack was not interested. He just sat on the bench and looked at the sky. He was so sad.
His mother asked him, "What's wrong, Jack? Why are you so sad?"雅思学术类
Jack said, "I don't know. I'm just not happy."
工资的定义His mother said, "It's okay to be sad sometimes. But you can't stay sad forever. You need to find something that makes you happy. Let's try something new today."
儿童正确刷牙方法So Jack and his mother went to the playground. They played on the swings and the slides. They played tag and hide-and-ek. Jack laughed and smiled. He was happy again.
杭州观潮From that day on, Jack and his mother went to the park every weekend. Jack was no longer unhappy. He was happy and enjoyed life.