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Meeting your needs
The British Council is a global leader in delivering quality English language and skills training. In Bulgaria we offer a unique corporate training programme to meet your company’s needs and training objectives. Whether your goals are language or business skills-related, we can advi you on appropriate training and can also work with your HR department on a training needs analysis to establish a realistic long term plan.
We offer three types of corporate training: business skills workshops, CBEC (customid business English cours), and off-site general English and business English cours.
Business skills workshops
Our business skills workshops are short intensive training cours (1 or 2 full days) that develop business and communication skills in English for people working in a wide range of professions. All workshops u practical interactive training methods to help you work with greater confidence. Wherever possible, we u participants’ own work situations as a basis for role play exercis, group discussions and fun, interactive team activities. The help participants to consider and apply new ideas. At the end of each ction of the training, participants complete their own specific action plans to apply the skills or knowledge from the cour to their own workplace situations.
We also offer a customisation rvice so that the cours fully meet the needs of your staff. Workshops are held at a time and place suitable for you, and this can be at the British Council’s premis. Plea contact us to discuss your training needs.
Cours we are offering for 2009 are:
Effective people management (2 days)
Covers the esntial skills required to manage people effectively. Cour topics include coaching, counlling, mentoring, being asrtive, and dealing with conflict and poor performance.
Project management basics (2 days)
Takes a back-to-basics look at the project management cycle, letting you practi the basic skills required to run a project, such as performing a risk analysis and using network analysis in project scheduling.
Motivating your team (1 day)
签到簿Helps you understand the key drivers and gives you strategies and techniques for motivating the people you work with.
Making meetings work (2 days)
Demonstrates the techniques that make meetings work for you, including preparation, planning, timing and effective communication.
Personal Performance
Time-management (1 day)
Helps you manage the barriers to efficient and effective work practice. We introduce techniques for prioritising tasks, dealing with time wasters and planning schedules.
Interpersonal Communication
Effective negotiation skills (2 days)
Introduces you to the practical skills required for successful negotiations at all levels of interaction between staff, clients, colleagues and suppliers.
Effective prentation skills (2 days)
Demonstrates techniques for creating interest and impact in your business prentations that reflect your positive style and personality.
Interpersonal communication skills (2 days)
Builds your awareness of the factors that influence successful communication and develops your interpersonal skills.
Customer Service
Customer rvice esntials for the frontline (2 days)
Equips frontline staff with the interpersonal skills required to provide excellent customer rvice. Customer-focud telephone skills (1 day)
Improves your ability to manage first impressions, convey clear messages, listen attentively and handle calls with confidence.
Written Communication
Better business emails (2 days)
Examines how to express yourlf with impact in emails.
Reports that work (2 days)
有发Deals with fundamental skills needed for planning, structuring, writing and checking reports. Technical report writing (2 days)
Concentrates on the special skills needed by technical people to ensure their reports have the right impact on readers.
Proof-read to perfection (1 day)
Demonstrates how following a structured process of proof-reading rais accuracy and readability to new heights.
Minutes of meetings (1 day)
Focus on the records of the decisions made and ideas shared at meetings. it helps you prent clearer and more accurate minutes.
猴跟虎相配吗Proposals that work (2 days)
Demonstrates how to write proposals that prent your ideas clearly and help you ll your ideas to the people that matter.
Customid Business English cours
Our customid cours help participants do their jobs more effectively by improving their business communication skills in English, and are designed to meet the job-specific language needs of
organisations in Bulgaria. Whether your organisation works in medicine or IT, banking or retail we can deliver the language training you need.
Cour Design
Our experienced cour developers conduct a comprehensive needs analysis before the start of the cour to build up a picture of how the participants u English at work – and to pinpoint the skills and functional language needed for effective communication in English. The British Council has its own business English level descriptions, which detail a person’s ability to communicate in a business English context. The, together with the collated needs analysis data, are combined to create customid cours for your organisation.
Cour Materials
Our customid cours do not u ‘traditional’ business English cour books, and no two cours are the same. Cour materials are put together by our trainers using materials bad on the client o
rganisation’s own documentation, e.g. emails nt to customers, the British Council’s global databa of business English teaching materials and our Bulgaria resource library.
The are practical cours designed to improve communicative ability, both spoken and written. Each ssion involves language input and discussion, and builds up to a ‘task’, typically in the form of a ‘real-play’ or simulation, that allows participants to practi and demonstrate communicative ability in the most realistic way possible. For example, the task might be to reply to a real-life customer email enquiry, or to prent company products at a conference. Everything is relevant to the duties the participants perform at work.
Cour participants are assd using a system of ‘continuous asssment’. Participants must complete at least 5 assd tasks during the cour to receive a final grade and the trainer also takes into account the participants’ overall progress in communicative ability during the cour.
When and where?
CBEC cours can take place at the British Council’s premis or at a place suitable for you. Plea contact us to discuss your training needs.手机扫描仪
In-company general English and business English cours
All of the public general English and business English cours we run at our premis can also be run at a time and place suitable for you the client. Our cours help you develop your communication skills and speak more fluently, improve your grammar and speak more accurately. We also offer legal English cours for Bulgarian lawyers, judges and legal administrators.
关房Our Approach to Training
It’s a partnership. We view our clients as ‘training partners’ and pride ourlves on our commitment to understanding our partners’ needs and delivering training rvices that meet their specific business requirements and standards.
The British Council’s programs are bad on the principles, which reprent our basic beliefs about training.
•Trainees become motivated and develop a positive attitude to learning when the training relates to
a purpo appropriate to the trainees’ needs
•Collaboration through group work has positive effects on learning, generating more discussion and allowing trainees to learn more purpofully. Group work also provides participants with valuable feedback from their colleagues.
•Trainees need to become autonomous. Given the appropriate level of support, each person can manage their own learning and t their own goals.
•Through the u of carefully lected documents and well-designed role-plays, trainees can develop skills that transfer directly to the workplace.
How does British Council add value?
Training venue
Our custom-built, state-of-the-art training facility is provided free of charge, and is conveniently located on Krakra Street in the city centre.
On successful completion of each training cour, participants will be awarded certificates endord by the British Council.
An integrated approach to continuous learning
With a wide range of cours to choo from, the British Council can provide solutions to a variety of your training needs. We can also work with you to create a staff training plan for a full financial year or longer.
Leading organisations choo the British Council
From Banking to Biotech, and Ministries to Manufacturing, we are proud to have delivered over
13,000 hours of training in 2007 to a wide variety of public and business ctors in Bulgaria. The British Council Sofia has also delivered specialist training to a wide range of national and international corporations, government ministries, the presidency and NGOs.
Our clients have included: The (Bulgarian) Ministries of Defence, Interior, Energy, Finance, Justice and Health, The British Embassy, The National Bureau for Combating Organid crime, The World bank, GloBul, The Bulgarian National Bank, The United Bulgarian Bank,Danone-Serdika, Deloitte &
Touche, Heidelberger Zement, Hypovereins Bank, Kraft Jacobs Suchard, Raiffeinbank, Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan, Vidima Ideal Standard, Bulgarian Post Bank, The Bulgarian Drug Agency, SAP Labs Bulgaria and many more.
Who will the trainer be?
The British Council has a team of highly qualified professional trainers with extensive training experience who combine their knowledge of adult learning with real-world business situations to deliver interesting and relevant training.
To guarantee training delivery that is always meaningful and pedagogically up-to-the-minute, our trainers are continuously upgrading their knowledge through our own in-hou development programmes, and formal obrvations. The cours themlves are reviewed annually to ensure we stay at the forefront of global professional development training.
Where will the training be held?
The cour can be held in a training room at the British Council free of charge, in a suitably equipped room at your premis, or at a hotel of your choice. For off-site cours, suitable facilities should include:
•whiteboard or flipcharts
•overhead projector and screen
•multi-media projector
• bright lighting
厨房的故事•chairs and tables that can easily be rearranged
If held at the British Council, we will supply complimentary morning and afternoon tea, coffee and snacks.
What will it cost?
Business skills workshops
All of our workshops can be run for your company or organisation, tailored to the needs of your staff. The cost of a two-day cour is 3,200 BGN, and 1,600 BGN for a one-day cour.
This price includes all cour materials and refreshments, rved twice per day, if held at the British
Council. The maximum number of participants is 12.
Customid cours
The cours are 36 hours and class typically run twice per week for 12 weeks. For a sample proposal with itemid costing, plea contact us. A discount of 5% applies for returning customers and repeat orders. For example, if you order two cours you’ll receive a 5% discount on the cond. In-company general English and business English training
We offer professional English language training for corporate clients, delivered at your premis.  English language training cours can be provided to cover every possible range of language needs, ranging from the general to the specific (recent examples include: responding to letters of complaint; the language of telephone-bad technical support; and writing technical reports for the mining ctor).
The training rate is 220 BGN per hour. This price does not include the cost of materials or off-site travel costs. We recommend a maximum of 14 participants per group. For a sample proposal with itemid costing, plea contact us. A discount of 5% applies for returning customers and repeat orders.
Plea contact us to discuss your training needs and to create a programme suitable for your organisation.

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