Chapter 3 Word Formation
I.Choo the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.
B 1.The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is called ________.
A. phra
B. morpheme
C. morphs
D. root
D 2.Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word, which are known as _______.关于冷的句子
文章合为时而著歌诗合为事而作A. morphs
B. monomorphemic words
C. phonemes
D. allomorphs
A 3.Morphemes can be classified into ________ and _________.
爱丽丝漫游奇境作者A. free morphemes, bound morphemes
B. free morphemes, affix
C. affix, bound morphemes
D. bound root, affix
A 4. Free morphemes and free roots are _______.
A. identical C. the former includes the latter
B. different D. the latter includes the former
A 5. ―Bird‖,―earth‖,―nation‖ belong to __________.
A. free roots
B. bound morphemes
C. derivational affixes
D. bound root
A 6.Morphemes which cannot occur as parate words are known as _________
A. bound morphemes
B. free morphemes
C. allomorphs
D. morphemes
D 7. The bound morphemes include two types: ________ and _________.
A. prefix, suffix
B. free root, bound root
C. affix, suffix
D. bound root, affix
D 8. ―Nature‖in the word ―denaturalization‖ is not ________.
A. free root
B. free morphemes
C. stem
D. bound root
B 9.In the word ―contradiction‖, the morpheme―-dict‖ is _________.
A. free root
B. bound root
C. free morphemes
D. affix
C 10.We can put affixes into two groups: ________ and ________ affixes.
A. bound, free
B. root, stem
C. inflectional, derivational
D. blending, clipping
D 11. ―Ex-‖in the word ―ex-prisoner‖ is _________.
A. free root
B. bound root
C. inflectional affix
D. derivational affix
D 12.Which of the following is right?
A. Root and stem are identical.
B. Root includes stem.
C. Root and stem are completely different.
石家庄高新区D. Stem includes root.
C 13. In the word ―likes‖ and ―works‖, the morpheme―-s‖ is
A. free root
B. bound root
C. inflectional affix
D. derivational affix
A 14. The word ―suba‖ includes_______ ―-sub‖ and _______ ―a‖.
A. prefix, free root
B. suffix, free root
C. prefix, bound root
D. suffix, bound root
A 15. The most productive word formation is _______.李沐航
A. affixation
B. compounding地震带
C. conversion
D. acronymy
A 16. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on _______.
A. word-formation
B. prefixation
C. suffixation
D. compounding
B 17. _____ is the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems.
A. prefixation
B. Derivation
C. Suffixation
D. Compounding
D18. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subclass: ________ and _________.
A. clipping, blending
B. compounding, conversion
C. conversion, derivation
D. prefixation, suffixation
D19. the prefix ―pudo‖ is _______.
A. a negative prefix
B. a reversative prefix
C. a locative prefix
D. an a pejorative prefix
C20. The ―de-‖ in decompo is _______.
A. a negative prefix
B. a pejorative prefix
C. a reversative prefix
D. an orientation prefix
新房验收注意事项A21. The chief function of prefixation is to ________
A. change meanings of the stem.
B. change the word-class of the stem.
C. change grammatical function
D. all the above
D22. The ―auto‖ in ―autobiography‖ is ______.
A. a negative prefix
B. a locative prefix
C. a reversative prefix
D. a miscellaneous prefix
B23. The chief function of suffixation is to ______.
A.change meanings of the stem
B.change the word class of the stem
C.change the lexical meaning
D.all the above
C 24. The word ―courageous‖ is created by _______.
A. noun suffixes
B. adverb suffixes
住家保姆照顾老人C. adjective suffixes
D. verb suffixes
D 25. The meanings of ―comic‖ and ―comical‖ are ______.
A. same
B. identical
C. similar
D. different
D 26. For the word ―political‖, its negative form is ―_______‖.
A. apolitical
B. ilpolitical
C. inpolitical
D. impolitical
D 27. The differences between compounds and free phras show in _____ aspects.
A. phonetic features
B. mantic features
C. grammatical features
D. all the above
B 28. _______ is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems.
A. Suffixation
B. Composition
C. Conversion
D. Clipping
A29. ―Law-abiding‖ belongs to _______.
A. adjective compound
B. noun compound