一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB
三月份=MAR 四月份=APR
五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN
七月份=JUL 八月份=崇字笔顺AUG
九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT
十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC
REWARD 4 RETURN无论的英文=送回有酬谢 ALLRG=过敏
USMC=海军陆战队 NAVY=海军
AAMOF as a matter of fact
ADN any day now
AFAIC as far as I'm concerned
AFAICS as far as I can e
摩羯座图片AFAICT as far as I can tell
AFAIK = as far as I know 就我所知
AFAIR as far as I remember
AFK away from keyboard
AISB as I said before
AISI as I e it
AIUI as I understand it
AKA - " Also Known As"
AKA also known as
ANFAWFOS and now for a word from our sponsor
ANFSCD And now for something
ARP - " Address Resolution Protocol"
ARQ - " Automatic Repeat Request"
ASAP as soon as possible
ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) :美国信息交换标准码。
ASP(Active Server Pages) :是一种基于 Windows NT 的 IIS 的服务器端的脚本编写环境。
ATLA another three letter acronym
AWGTHTGTATA Are we going to have to go through all this again?
AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again?
AYOR at your own risc
BAK back at keyboard
BBL be back later 稍后便回
BBS - " Bulletin Board Software" and " Bulletin Board System"
BBS be back soon
BCNU be eing you
BF boyfriend
BFN bye for now
Big5 :大五码,中文内码之一,谭延闿书法 此码代表中文繁体字, 为港、台地区广泛使用。
BIOS(Basic Input and Output System) :基本输入输出系统。
BOT back on topic
BRB = be right back 很快回来
Browr :浏览器,一种可在 Internet 上任何地方查找和访问文件的程序, 如网景公司 (Netscape) 所推出的 Netscape Navigator 或微软公司 (Microsoft) 的 Microsoft Internet Explorer 。
BSD - " Berkeley Software Distribution"
BSF but riously folks
BST but riously though
BTAIM be that as it may
BTDT been there done that
BTHOM Beats the hell outta me!
BTSOOM Beats the shit out of me!
BTW = by the way 顺便说一下
BTWBO Be there with bells on.
Cc: - " Carbon Copy"
CD(Compact Disc) :光盘。
CGI - " Comman Gateway Interface"
CGI(Common Gateway Interface) :通用网关接口,通用网关接口,是 Web 服务器与外部应用程序之间的一个接口标准。
CIU(Computer Interface Unit) :计算机接口部件。
CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong.
COTFLGOHAHA Crawling on the floor laughing guts out and having a heart attack.
CU See you.
CUA commonly ud acronym
CUL See you later. 再会
CUL8R See you later.
CWYL Chat with you later.
CYA Cover your ass.
D& C Duck and cover.
DBMS(Date Ba Mananement System) :数据库管理系统。
DC = Washington D . C 华盛顿特区
DDE(Dynamic Date Exchang) :动态数据交换。
DEC(Digital Equipment Corporation) :数字设备公司。
DES - " Data Encryption Standard"
DIIK = damned if I know 我的确不知道
DILLIGAD Do I look like I give a darn?!
DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a fuck!
DIY do it yourlves
DIY(er)(Do It Yourlf) :自己动手做,泛指操作、使用、安装、维护计算机的人。
DNPM darn near pisd mylf
DNS - " Domain Name Service"
Domain :域,称为网络区域, 每区有独立的运行方式。 巴西足球队
DOS(Disk Operating System) :磁盘操作系统,是一种早期最常见的操作系统。
DUCWIC Do you e what I e?
DVD(Digital Video Disk) :数字视盘。
DWISNWID Do what I say not what I do.
DYHWIH Do you hear what I hear?
DYJHIW Don't You just hate
E2EG ear to ear grin
EIDE(Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics interface) :增强型集成驱动器电子接口标准,传输速度高,适于大硬盘。
EIN(Educational Information Network) :教育信息网。
Elm - " Electronic Mail for UNIX"
E-mail :电子邮(函)件,是计算机应用软件的通用术语, 可使用户在不同的计算机上发
送信息,元朝官服 电子邮件是网络上最常用的通信方式。
EOD end of discussion
EOF end of file
EOS end of show
ESAL Eat shit and live!
ETLA extended three letter acronym
FAAK falling asleep at keyboard
FAFWOA for a friend without access
FAQ - " Frequently asked questions"
Fcc: - " File Carbon Copy"
FIFO first in first out
Firewall :防火墙,用来分割网域、过滤传送和接收资料、及防制非法入侵。
FITB Fill in the blank.
FOAD Fuck off and die.
FOAF friend of a friend
FOAFOAG father of a friend of a girlfriend
FOAG father of a girlfriend
FOC free of charge
FTASB faster than a speeding bullet 花将
FTF = face to face 面对面
FTL faster than light
FTP - " File Transfer Protocol" (now often en in lower ca as " ftp" )
FTP(File Transfer Protocol) :文件传输协议,是 Internet 网上最早使用的文件传输程序。
FU fucked up
FUBAR - " F'd Up Beyond All Recognition"
FUBAR fucked up beyond all recognition
FUBB fouled up beyond belief