Abel–Jacobi map and curvature of the pulled back
期刊名称: Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
我的驾校教练作者: Indranil Biswas六级题目
年份: 2020年
男性阴部关键词: Gonality;curvature;symmetric productAbel–Jacobi map
玩具市场摘要:Let X X X be a compact connected Riemann surface of genus at least two. The Abel-Jacobi map \\varphi: {m Sym}^d(X) ightarrow {m Pic}^d(X) \\varphi: {m Sym}^d(X) ightarrow {m Pic}^d(X) is an embedding if d d is less than the gonality of X X . We investigate the curvature of the pull-back, by \\varphi \\varphi , of the flat metric on {m Pic}^d(X) {m Pic}^d(X) . In particular, we show that when d=1 d=1 , the curvature is strictly negative everywhere if X X is not hyperelliptic, and when X X is hyperelliptic, the curvature is nonpositive with vanishing exactly on the points of X X fixed by the hyper
elliptic involution.