大众汽车标准_VW 01089 英文-激光焊接间距

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Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.
Confidential. All rights rerved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.
Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
N o r m  v o r  A n w e n d u n g  a u f  A k t u a l i t ät  p r üf e n  / C h e c k  s t a n d a r d  f o r  c u r r e n t  i s s u e  p r i o r  t o  u s a g e .
T h e  E n g l i s h  t r a n s l a t i o n  i s  b e l i e v e d  t o  b e  a c c u r a t e . I n  c a s e o f  d i s c r e p a n c i e s  t h e  G e r m a n  v e r s i o n  s h a l l  g o v e r n .
Q U E L L E : N O L I S
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VW 010 89: 2003-02
The distance between the spacers is defined bad on the component. The following dimensions
apply unless otherwi specified in the drawing (Table 1):
Table 1 – Spacer dimensions as a function of the inrtion mode
Dimensions in mm Press shop After press shop
(e.g. embossing pliers)1)
Spacer-forming tool
Distance between spacers, 2 sheets 35 +1520 +1010 +5
Distance between spacers, 3 sheets 17 +815 +5--
Spacer height 0.2 ±0.1 0.2
±0.1 0.2
Spacer diameter min. 5 min. 5 approx. 1
Distance to end of connecting area min. 3 2),
max. 10 max. 10 depending on
Distance to flange radius min. 1.5 min. 1.5    4
1) Supply parts shall always be manufactured with the "After press shop" spacer dimensions unless otherwi specified by the planning department
2) Minimum distance: e 39D 962
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VW 010 89: 2003-02
2.3 Graphical reprentation
The spacer areas are always shown on the single part drawing, not on the asmbly drawing. The spacers may partially protrude from the flange area (e.g. as the result of subquent trimming of the flange).
The position of the spacers is always oriented to the material vector (e Figure 2).
Supplementary to the graphical reprentation of lar welded joints (according to VW 011 41-1 or DIN EN 22 553), the position of the spacers is reprented as in figure 1. A dash-dot line identifies the spacer area.        Legend:
Shape A
关于雷锋的文章= Information on spacer direction and sheets involved
Figure 1 – Graphical reprentation (on a flange, for example)
The shape letter describes the embossing direction of the spacers relative to the direction of the material vector.
─ Shape A Spacer is embosd in the direction of the material vector, 2-sheet joint, contact on
追忆似水年华one side; entry in the data t on layer 190
─ Shape B Spacer is embosd in the opposite direction to the material vector, 2-sheet joint,
contact on one side; entry in the data t on layer 191
Shape C Spacer is embosd on alternate sides in the middle sheet (exception: e ction
2.2, first paragraph), 3-sheet joint, contact on both sides; entry in the data t on layer 192.多宝鱼怎么做好吃
Figure 2 - Spacer shapes (draft not to scale)
The distance between the spacers on the indicated flange area shall be geometrically even; the distances to the edge of the contact area (first/last spacer) shall be adhered to.
VW 010 89 Shape A
Shape A
Shape B
Shape C
3D surface
图片人Material vector  on the 3D surface
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VW 010 89: 2003-02
2.4 Specifications in the 3D CAD model (data t)
The reprentation in the 3D model initially corresponds to the reprentation in the drawing. The spacer areas are reprented using a dash-dot line, but not as protrusions.
The area limits shall be created on discrete layers in the 3D model (for the CAD system CATIA on layer 190 for shape A, layer 191 for shape B and layer 192 for shape C, e VW 010 59-3, appendix 1).
2.5 Definition of the spacer position
The exact spacer position is defined in the SET1).
The tool manufacturer (reprented by the planning department for single parts) enters the exact position of the spacers into the data t. Each spacer is reprented by a 10 mm line on layer 193 in the spacer direction.
The data t is provided to the ASSY planning department for review. Any additions such as the inrtion of spacers in the ASSY are made on layer 194 (body construction scope).
In the ca of supply parts, the spacers are defined between the supplier and design department bad on specifications from Manufacturing Planning.
2.6 Effects on the body-in-white asmbly
形容天空The addition of spacers can cau the vehicle dimensions to change by the total of the spacer height values. The resulting deviations in the nominal dimensions of the vehicle shall be compensated in the asmbly by agreement.
2.7 Other
Degassing must always be ensured for lar welded joints. This can be done using other measures, not described in this standard, agreed with the body construction engineering department without changing the spacer specifications in the drawing.
3 Referenced
PV 6719 Lar Welding on Coated Steels; Plain Butt Weld at the Lap Joint; Multiple Sheet Welding
VW 010 55 Reference Point System (RPS); Drawings
VW 010 59-3, app. 1 Requirements for CAD/CAM Data, Process-Specific Layer Assignment
VW 011 41-1 Lar Welding of Sheet Steel; Design, Execution, Quality Assurance
DIN EN 22 553 Welding and Brazing Seams; Symbolic Reprentation in Drawings
39D 962 Operating Equipment Standard: Stamp for Spacers for Lar Welding
1) SET: Simultaneous Engineering Team (e PEP manual)

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