Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.永生是个非常长的时间,特别是对于死亡来说。
It would not be much of a univer if it wasn't home to the people you love.如果宇宙不是你所爱的人的家,那宇宙就没有什么意义了。My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus.在我21岁那年,我对生活的期望值全部归零。
自此以后,生活中的一点一滴都成了恩赐。Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free.尽管我不能动弹,只能靠电脑来说话,但是我能在自己的大脑里面自由翱翔。
One of the basic rules of the univer is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist。..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.宇宙的基本准则之一:金无足赤,
网络安全资料My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrating on your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.我给残障人士的建议是:老是想着自己的缺陷,并不会让你更好过。残疾妨碍了很多事情,但是后悔也于事无补。
拖地板既然身体已经残疾了,精神绝不能残疾!Quiet people have the loudest minds.静如处子之人,思想却振聋发聩。We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Univer. That makes us something very special.我们不过是一颗不起眼的渺小行星上的一群高级灵长类动物。
但是我们却能理解宇宙,这足以让我们与其他物种截然不同。My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the univer, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.我的目标很简单:完整地理解宇宙——宇宙为何如此、宇宙为何存在。
Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.生活没了乐趣,终将成为悲剧。Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.智慧,是随机应变的能力。
I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.我意识到即使那些宣称一切都是先天注定的人们,我们都无法去改变他们,看到他们将来该走的路。My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the univer, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.我的目的很简单。
它是一个对宇宙的完整理解,为什么它是这样的和为什么它存在着,仅此而已。I find that American & Scandinavian accents work better with women.” In respon to a question about the American accent of his synthesir.我发现美国人和斯堪的纳维亚人更喜欢和女士一起工作。”
回应一个关于他的电子发声器的美国口音问题。The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be pinely inspired.科学的整个历
2.霍金的名言 要英语的
1、When you face the possibility of abortion, you will realize that life is precious and you have a lot of work to do.
2、Although I am inconvenient in action and I need the help of a machine, my mind is free.
3、We were taught a lot of common n from people, but common n is often synonymous with prejudice.
4、The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but the illusion of having mastered knowledge.
5、When I was 21, my expectations turned to zero. Since then, everything has become an extra allowance.
在我 21 岁时,我的期望值变成了零。自那以后,一切都变成了额外津贴。
6、Life is not fair. No matter what your situation is, you can only do your best.
霍金(Stephen William Hawking,1942年1月8日至2018年3月14日),男,出生于英国牛津,英国剑桥大学著名物理学家,现代最伟大的物理学家之一、20世纪享有国际盛誉的伟人之一。
四季豆烧肉3.霍金的名言 要英语的
霍金的名言: 1、活着就有希望。
Living there is hope。 2、时间有没有尽头? At the end of time? 3、宇宙从何处来,又往何处去? The univer whence, and whither? 4、是先有鸡,还是先有蛋? First, the chicken or the egg? 5、发疯是种心灵自杀。
Mad is a kind of heart to suicide。 6、如果生活没有了乐趣,那将是一场悲剧。
If life no fun, it would be a tragedy。 7、永恒是很长的时间,特别是对尽头而言。
Eternity is a very long time, especially in the end。 8、宇宙中的物质是由正能量组成的。
The substance of the univer is made up of positive energy。 9、科学家和娼妓都是做他们喜欢的事赚钱。
Scientists and prostitution is to do what they like to make money。 10、宇宙有开端吗?如果有的话,在此之前发生过什么? The univer have a beginning? If so, what happened before this? 11、即使把我关在果壳之中,仍然自以为无限宇宙之王。
Even put me in shells, still think the king of the infinite univer。 12、一个可以和人并肩而行的人,绝对不会完全孤独。
A can and the people who walk side by side, would never completely alone。 13、我发现美国和斯堪的纳维亚口音对女人尤其管用。