
更新时间:2023-06-14 18:17:50 阅读: 评论:0

2022年医学考博英语:影像X射线常用词汇清楚 clear
肺门阴影增大 enlargement of hilar shadows
肺纹理增粗 increa of lung markings
钙化灶 calcified
空洞 cavitation
球形病灶 circular lesion (coin lesion)
小块阴影区 a minimal area of density
散状的点(片)状阴影 scattered spot (plaque-like) shadows
边界不清的片状阴影 a poorly defined patchy density
圆形致密影 a round density
胸膜增厚 pleural thickening
肋膈角模糊(变钝、消逝)haziness (blunting, obliteration) of the costophrenic angle
横膈抬高、活动受限 elevation of diaphragm with limitation of movement
包裹性胸腔积液 encapsulated pleural effusion
液气胸 hydropneumothorax
纵膈移位 mediastinal displacement
肺门模糊 hilar haze
肺门密度增高 increa of pulmonary hilar density
肺淤血(栓塞) pulmonary venous stasis (infarction)
阴影性状 shadow
淡的 haziness
云雾状 clouding
线装 streaky
絮状 patcky
结节状 nodular
块状 massive
粟粒状 miliary
融合状 confluent
匀称的 homogeneous
二、心脏 Heart
左(右)房(室)增大left (right) atrial (ventricular) enlargement
主动脉屈曲延长 a tortuous and prolonged aorta
主动脉型(二尖瓣型)心脏“aortic type”(“mitral valve”) heart 肺动脉段突出 bulging pulmonary artery gment
肺动脉扩张 a dilatation of the pulmonary artery
心影普遍增大 general enlargement of the heart shadow
左(右)心室增大 left(right) ventricular enlargement
左(右)心房增大 left(right) atrial dilatation
靴形心脏 boot-shaped heart
主动脉钙化calcification of aorta
心腰部 waist of heart
垂位(狭长形;无力形;横位;斜位)心 vertical (slender; asthenic; horizontal; oblique) heart
三、腹部平片 KUB film
结石 calculus
钙化影 calcified shadow
阶梯型液平 fluid levels with stepladder pattern
液气平面 gas-fluid level
膈下游离气体 subphrenic free air
四、胃肠道钡剂检查 barium enema examination
胃肠造影 gastroenterography
双重比照造影 double contrast radiography
食管蠕动征 esophageal peristalsis sign
十二指肠曲(压迹)duodenal flexure(impression)
小肠黏膜皱襞影 mucosal fold shadow of small intestine
结肠蠕动与排空征 peristalsis and empting signs of colon
胃排空时间延长 delayed gastric emptying time
胃空腹潴留液 fasting retention of stomach
充盈缺损 filling defect
黏膜皱襞消逝 disappearance of the mucosal folds
张力减低(增高)hypotonicity (hypertonicity)
球部激惹现象 irritable cap
蠕动增加 vigorous peristaltic activity (hyperperistalsis) 蠕动减弱 bradydiastalsis
蠕动消逝 aperistalsis
排空加快(减缓) accelerated(reduced) evacuation
跳动现象 skipping phenomenon
黏膜增宽和迂曲 broadened and tortuous mucosal fold
黏膜皱襞平坦 flat mucosal fold
五、胆道 bile tract
鳞潜羽翔口服胆囊造影 oral cholecystography
静脉胆管胆囊造影 intravenous cholecysto-cholangiography
经T形管胆囊造影 trans-T-tube cholecystography
经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC)
烤包子胆总管扩张dilated common duct
胆囊浓缩功能良好 gallbladder concentrated satisfactorily
胆囊显影不好,浓缩功能差 gallbladder with faint shadow, concentrated inadequately
收缩功能 contractibility
骨皮质增厚 cortical thickening of bone
洋葱皮样转变“onion skin” appearance
骨膜反响 periosteal reaction
骨质疏松 osteoporosis (rarefaction)
骨化 ossification
畸形 deformity
缩短 shortening
移位 displacement
脱位 luxation
半脱位 subluxation马克思主义政治经济学
连接不正 malunion
青枝骨折 greenstick fracture
多发性骨折 multiple fracture
病理性骨折 pathological fracture

本文发布于:2023-06-14 18:17:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:造影   胆囊   蠕动   增大   排空   黏膜   骨折
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