1) 安全生产知识It requires power to drive machines.
2) Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
3) How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains?
4) The president said: "We shall now vote on draft resolution III as whole."
5) The facts are not related to the problems.
6) What we are doing is wasting time.
7) It was of his own will that he did that, just like a hero saving a beauty.
8) 服务产品We love and sing prai of our life.
9) He opened the door and went out.
桌面没有我的电脑图标怎么办10) When winter comes, spring won't be far off.
11) 漫山遍野的近义词This pavilion was so beautifully and skillfully constructed that its decorative pillars emed to reach the clouds and its finely knitted curtains looked like a raining scene.(林语堂译《老残游记》)
12) 弱肉强食什么意思Eating and drinking, that fellow idled about and did no decent work.
13) Late last century all the universities in the United States adopted the credit system which benefited student a great deal.
14) There were sitting on the bench of the park a young couple chatting merrily, the young giggling at times.
15) He opened the door and went out.
1) 在过去十年中, 电话用户增加了60% 以上。
2) 这个工作的最低条件是能熟练讲英语和速记。
3) 我醒来发现屋里只有我自己。
4) 她感到感伤的一个原因是过分怀念过去。
5) 隐隐约约的意思那样的河水你是斗不过它的—是没法保住性命的。
6) 终于风声渐息。大片灰色的云块向西席卷而去。
7) 他盯着我,好像我是一条不寻常的小爬虫,然后就暴跳如雷破口大骂起来。
8) 大自然为了保护鲸鱼,使它不致在北冰洋受冻,便让它长了厚厚的一层脂肪,叫做鲸脂。
9) 中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。
10) 三个人品字式坐了,随便谈了起来。