William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre—eminent (杰出的) dramatist。 His plays have been translated into a vast number of languages and are performed more often than tho of any other playwright. Shakespeare’s early works were mostly comedies and histories, which have the reputation of being among the finest masterpieces produced in the genres (体裁) even today. Later on, Shakespeare wrote mainly tragedies, some of which, like Hamlet and King Lear, earned him fame in the entire Western literature. The most striking features of Shakespeare are his brilliant u of language and his universal themes。 He contributed thousands of words to English, many of which have become embedded in the language。 His themes are so universal that they transcend generations to stir the imaginations of readers and audiences worldwide。 Shakespeare has influenced and inspired many writers over the centuries。 His writings remain highly popular today, and they are constantly studied, performed, and reinterpreted in diver cultures throughout the world。 Shakespeare will continue to have an enormous impact on future playwrights, novelists, poets, actors, and scholars。
The four great classic Chine novels are Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 新年的贺词Outlaws of the Marsh, Journey to the West and 证券包括哪些种类A Dream of Red Mansions。 All the four novels were written during the period from the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties to the Qing Dynasty. They all reflect various aspects of ancient China, including political and military strife, social conflicts and cultural beliefs. The four novels are of supreme artistic standards, reprenting the peak of China’s classic novels。 Lots of the characters and s
cenes in the books are well-known in China and have exerted profound influences on the ideology and values of the entire nation。 Highly valuable for the rearch of China's ancient customs, feudal system, and social life, the four classic novels are precious cultural relics of China as well as the human society as a whole。
中国的四大名著是指《三国演义》(Romance of the Three Kingdoms)、《水浒传》(Outlaws of the Marsh)、《西游记》(Journey to the West)和《红楼梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions)四部著名小说.它们的创作时间均处于元末明初至清代期间,其内容反映了中国古代的政治和军事斗争、社会矛盾、文化信仰等各个方面。四大名著具有很高的艺术水平,代表了中国古典小说的高峰。书中的许多人物和场景在中国家喻户晓,并且已经深深地影响了整个民族的思想观念和价值取向。四本著作在中国古代民俗、封建制度、社会生活等多个领域皆有巨大的研究价值,是中国乃至全人类的宝贵文化遗产。
With the development of computer science and the Internet technology, social networking rvices(SNS)have come to be a widely popular platform to build social networks or social relations among people in recent years。 SNS are web—bad rvices that allow
individuals to create a list of urs with whom to share connection, and view and cross the connections within the system。 Social networking sites are varied and they incorporate new information and communication tools, allowing urs to share ideas, pictures, posts, activities, events, interests with people in their network. SNS have affected the social life and activity of people in various ways。 With its availability on many mobile devices, a social networking rvice allows the urs to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and other acquaintances wherever they are in the world, as long as there is access to the Internet. A social networking rvice can also unite people with common interests and beliefs through groups and other pages, and has been known to reunite lost family members and friends becau of the widespread reach of its network.
享观点、图片、帖子、活动、事件以及兴趣爱好等。 SNS已通过各种方式影响到人们的社会生活以及社交活动。随着各种移动设备对SNS访问的实现,只要能连接上互联网,用户在世界上的任何地方都能一直与朋友、亲戚及其他认识的人保持联络。 SNS还可让拥有相同兴趣和信念的人通过群组或其他页面建立联系,同时,由于其网络分布广阔,还能让失散的家庭成员或朋友重新团聚,这点早已为人所知.
In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, the Internet economy has become a hot issue。 As reprented by the promising E-commerce, the Internet economy has become a strong driving force for the economic development. Our government attaches great importance to developing the Internet economy and propos the concept of ”Internet Plus”, aiming to integrate Internet with other industries, such as health care, transportation, education, finance, and public rvice. This will create great potential and broad prospects for the development of the Internet economy。 With the implementation of the ”Internet Plus” strategy, the Internet is certain to be integrated with more traditional industries and help build "the upgraded version of the Chine economy"。
Baroque architecture is a building style that flourished in Europe between the late 16th and mid—18th century。 It evolved out of Renaissance architects began to get bored of the symmetry(对称)and same old forms they had been using for the past 200 years, and starred to make bold, curving and not at all symmetrical buildings called the Baroque buildings. Baroque—style buildings share some common characteristics. Marble, gilt(镀金)and bronze were the materials the Baroque architects ud in abundance. Oval was the most distinct and a very common shape incorporated into Baroque architecture。 Dramatic u of light is important, and is achieved either through strong light-and—shade contrasts or uniform lighting by means of windows。 Opulent u of color and ornaments is prevalent, as can be en in the ceilings。 There is usually a central project
ion that is quite large and juts outward, and domes erected in a pear shape are often en. The most well-known Baroque buildings include the St. Paul’s Cathedral in the UK and the Palace of Versailles in France。 Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini were the two main architects of the Baroque era.