变更名称/项目名称 Name of Change or Project | 申请EHS影响评估日期Date of evaluation for EHS impacts | ||||
变更范围 Scope of Changes | □新材料的使用new material □新材料替换旧材料replacement of old material □取消原材料 cancel the original material | ||||
一、工作场所变更的EHS评估申请Application for work site change on E.H.S Evaluation | 1. 材料变更活动的背景介绍(如果没有,不用填写)Introduction to background for material change (if there isn’t, unnecessary to fill in) 2.变更项目负责人员/部门Implementation person/department for the Change Project: 3.变更实施过程中所需要的管理活动 Management activities during the implementation of change. 1)采购部PUR: 部门经理签字日期manager signature/date 新材料供应商的评价evaluating new material supplier Yes□ No□ 新材料的放行批准relea of new material Yes□ No□ 新材料的MSDS的提交submit MSDS of new material Yes□ No□ 新材料的价格的核算price accounting for new material Yes□ No□ 2)技术部门TECH 部门经理签字/日期manager signature/date 使用新材料的项目计划的策划Planning for the project of u of new material Yes□ No□ 提交EHS影响评估申请apply for the EHS impact evaluation Yes□ No□ 技术文件的修订(图纸、物料号与BOM、原材料、工艺文件等)Revi the technical documents(drawing, material no. BOM, material and process documents etc.) Yes□ No□ 确定工装模具的需求determine the need for fixtures and molds Yes□ No□ 成本变化分析报告提交submit Cost Change Analysis Report Yes□ No□ EHS影响措施的执行implement actions addressing EHS impact Yes□ No□ 执行更改项目计划(例如样品试制、试生产以及工艺的确认等)Carry out the change project (making samples, pilot production and validation of process) Yes□ No□ 3)质量部QA/QC: 部门经理签字/日期manager signature/date 检验文件的修订revising the test documents Yes□ No□ 工艺参数的检查和验证testing and verification of process parameters Yes□ No□ 产品的检查Production Inspection Yes□ No□ 4)生产计划PP 计划签字/日期 PP supervisor signature/date 预计新旧材料的切换时间以及新材料请购时间Changeover time for new material and the Purcha time for new material Yes□ No□ 预计时间 est. time: 确认新料请购前的BOM和物料号已经由技术部更新confirm the update of BOM and Material No. of the new material before applying for purcha Yes□ No□ 完成时间finish time 统计旧材料做的成品数量通知客户服务部;determine the QTY of product made from the old material and inform CST Yes□ No□ 通知时间inform time 在家人样品试制、试生产、批量生产所需的计划安排,确保库存量消耗Planning for sample making, pilot production, batch production and ensure the reduction of stock size Yes□ No□ | ||||
二、E.H.S影响评估(需要时填写) evaluation for change中国旗袍 (Necessary) | 5)生产Production 部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date 组织培训员工,配合技术部门进行样品和试生产的完成organize training of operators, assist Tech.dept.in the sample making and pilot production; Yes□ No□ 相关的标示区分relating marking, labeling and parating Yes□ No□ 根据实际情况,进行定额的调整adjust the quota accordingly Yes□ No□ 6)财务部门的管理活动Management activity of Financial Dept.: 部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date 根据物料的变化,核实财务数据,进行成本数据的更新verifies financial data and updates the cost data according to material change Yes□ No□ 7)客户服务CST 部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date 告知销售部新、旧材料的产品的不同inform sales dept. the difference of products made from old and new material; Yes□ No□ 告知旧产品数量,要求尽快处理,预计切换时间;inform the QTY of product of old material and estimated changeover time from old to new material Yes□ No□ 需要技术部根据客户的实际用途,给出能否共用的建议(必要时) Technical department shall give advice on the mixed u of the product according to customer’s application Yes□ No□ 8)工程部Infrastructure 部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date 根据需要,进行工装模具的设计、采购、试模、使用和验收 Carry out design, purcha, trial molding, operating and acceptance of the fixtures and molds according to necessity Yes□ No□ 9)EHS部门 EHS dept. 部门经理签字/日期Manager signature/date 根据实际情况辨识危险源和风险的评价,采取相关措施(如下表)Carry out identification of hazards, evaluation of risks and determination of actions (as in table below) Yes□ No□ 在现场进行监督实施以及有效性验证(另见验收报告)Carry out on-site monitoring of implementation and verification of effectiveness of the actions(e the Acceptance Report) | ||||
1. 根据变更的介绍,识别环境因素、危险源辨识和风险的评价,初步评估所产生的环境保护、职业健康安全的措施要求(可附页)The requirements of E.H.S (Environment, Health and Safety) according to environment elements, hazard identification and risk asssment(attached pages allowed) | |||||
内 容 Content | 变更过程中重点关注辨识的环境因素、危险源和风险以及相关措施 Requirements for focus on during the implementation and action taken | ||||
a a1如何看电脑显卡相关的环境法律法规的要求Related legal requirements for environmental protection. a2识别环境影响及措施要求identify the requirements for environmental impacts and actions taken a3对于产生的废料,要考虑到回收处理事宜 Considering the production wastes and recycling matter (环保主管评估) (E.P. supervisor evaluation) | |||||
环保主管(E.P. supervisor): 日期Date: | |||||
b. b1 相关的职业健康法律法规的要求Related legal requirements for Occupational Health b2 识别职业健康及措施要求Requirements for Occupational Health and improvement actions (环保主管评估) (E.P. supervisor evaluation产检可以报销吗) | |||||
环保主管(E.P. supervisor): 日期Date: | |||||
C. C1此原材料是否为国家规定的危险化学品,是否需要登记备案?如果是,则登记备案。不是,则进行下面的过程。Is the material belongs to the category of hazardous chemicals specified by the nation? Must it have registration? If YES, do the registration; if NO, go to following process C2相关的安全法律法规的要求Related legal requirements for Safety C3 安全隐患及措施要求(即危险源辨识和风险评价以及其他措施要求)Requirements for safety and actions (hazards identification, risk asssment and other measures) (安全主管评估) (Safety supervisor evaluation) | |||||
安全主管(Safety supervisor): 日期Date: | |||||
2.其他要求例如通知、培训、实施时的检查 if need to inform, training, check when implementation. Inform: 如何网上报税Yes□ No□ 通知部门: check: Yes□ No□ 原材料质量检查Check for the material □ 过程质量检查Check for theprocess □ 最终产品检查Check for the Product □ 环境/职业健康/安全检查Check for E.H.S.□ | |||||
项目负责人: 日 期: Project leader Date: | 淡淡的回忆|||||
三、审 批 意 见 Comments | 厂长批准Approved by Factory Manager | ||||
备注Remark | |||||
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