大学英语综合教程2(第2版)何兆熊 U1课文精解

更新时间:2023-06-14 09:36:34 阅读:11 评论:0

                        “We’ve Been Hit!”
With the building in flames, one man needed help. Another man refud to leave him.
                过去常常做   ud to do原形
Adam Mayblum ud to enjoy watching as storms lashed the windows of his office:
You think that’s power? Mayblum would scoff. I’m on the 87th floor of the World Trade Center. That’s power.你认为这就是力量?   可能会讥笑。我在世界贸易中心的87楼。这就是力量。
Shade  n暮色;夜色,阴凉处;阴暗部分;遮光物
V 遮蔽;险胜;加灯罩;画阴影于..之上
The drawstrings on his window shades would appear to sway slightly, but it was an illusion. 百叶窗上的拉绳数控毕业论文看起来像在轻轻的摇晃,但他是一种假象。Although they were 1,040 feet in the sky, The WTC was quite steady.虽然它是在距离地面1040英尺的高空,但是在世贸大厦中心还是相当稳固的
    When Mayblum felt a devastating rumble on that September morning, he glanced at the drawstrings. They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction.
在那个九月的早上,当     感到毁灭性的隆隆声时,他瞥了一眼拉绳。它们剧烈地摆动到3英尺的任何方向
Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into an extraordinary purgatory that morning.
那个早晨,有数以千计的人将被卷入一场惊心动魄的灾难,   也是其中一员While as many as 25,000 would find their way to safety, 5,000 would not.尽管多达25000人找到了他们安全逃生的方式,但另外的5000人人却没有逃脱得了这场灾难。 For some, it was a matter of geography— not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building.对于有些人来说,这是一个地理问题——不仅是那栋楼,哪一层,更重要的是在大楼的那个角落     (生死攸关的是
For some, the choices were as basic as which stairca to u. Others faced the ultimate moral dilemma: Save yourlf, or save another.对于有些人来说,选择哪一个楼梯是最
  In the dilemma
线上签名主语   Confusion  n 混乱, 混淆,困惑               同位语成分
confusing: make sb. 令人困惑   Confud感到困惑
The confusion inside Adam Mayblum’s office at May Davis, a financial rvices firm, lasted just conds. He knew he needed to get out.在名为   金融服务公司里,   的办公室的混乱持续了几秒钟。他知道她要逃离哪里
He ripped his T-shirt into pieces, soaked the pieces in water and gave them to colleagues to cover their faces.      To 介词短语 表目的
Among them: Harry Ramos, head trader at May Davis. Mayblum had worked with Ramos off and on for 14 years.其中,有一个是     丁香五月成人网的首席交易员       断断续续一起工作了14年之久
bite bit biten        as = when 时候
as: prep. ;relative pron.;conj.
adverbial clau of time/cau/manner/concession
Sparks bit at Mayblum’s ankles as he raced for the stairs. 他在楼梯上急速奔跑时,火花溅在了他的脚踝上
倒装 Child as he is, he can solve the problem by himlf.
as=though  Much as my sister likes him, she will not marry him.
Flights 一段台阶
He bolted down two flights before realizing that his trading partner, Hong Zhu, had been left behind. 急急忙忙冲下两段台阶后意识到他的贸易伙伴,朱红还落在后面。He went back upstairs, the whole area now filled with smoke and burning jet fuel悭吝是什么意思.他跑回楼上,此时这个地方充满了烟和燃烧的jet fuel.喷气燃料                                                         
make it: succeed in doing sth.
There was no sign of Hong. 没有朱红的身影Mayblum hurried down again and made it to the 78th floor, a transfer lobby where one t of elevators and stairs ended and another began.    又冲下楼,成功到达了78楼,这里恰好又一部电梯和一个楼梯的中转大厅
reassuring sight;令人放心的景象               frighten sb. into doing sth.
adj. reassuring 令人安心的;鼓气的;可靠的 女士黄金项链    panic sb. into doing sth.
                                      trick sb. into doing sth.
He saw a reassuring sight; Ramos had waded into the pandemonium to help panicked
workers into a stairwell.  Well n.
            waded [weɪd] 跋涉;涉水          pandemonium [ˌpændə'məʊniəm]
n. 比划猜词喧嚣;极端混乱嘈杂的地方
                muscles 叶企荪肌肉,肌肉收缩,痉挛  contract 合同
  Mayblum continued his descent, the muscles in his calves contracting in spasms梅布拉姆继续往下跑,他小腿的肌肉因抽筋而收缩。On the 53rd floor, he came across a heav
yt man who legs just wouldn’t move anymore.53层。他碰见了一个身材粗壮的男人,他的腿无法移动了 “Do you want to come, or do you want us to nd help?”
                                        Send help  叫人来帮忙
Mayblum shouted. The man asked him to nd help. Adam said he would.你想要自己过来,还是你想要我们来帮你?                        他答应了
  In the noi, smoke and sparks, Mayblum didn’t realize that his friend Hong Zhu was behind him in the stairwell the whole time. 在噪声,烟火,和火花中,   没有意识到他的朋友朱红一直紧跟在它后面的那个楼梯间里。When Hong got to the 53rd floor, he came across Harry Ramos. Ramos had stopped to help the heavyt man Mayblum had en earlier. “I’ll give you a hand,” Hong said. 当朱红到53楼的时候。他碰到了哈利拉莫斯。此时莫斯停下来去帮助之前没布拉姆碰见的那个身材粗壮的男人。“让我来帮你吧”朱红说                         停下做某事stop doing

本文发布于:2023-06-14 09:36:34,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:楼梯   肌肉   没有   逃生   鼓气   碰到   知道   放心
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