Onchocerciasis due to O. armillata in cattle in Orissa.
期刊名称: Journal of Helminthology
作者: Patnaik B.会计实习日记
作者机构: Rearch Officer, Stephanofilariasis and Veterinary Parasitologist,
Orissa, Bhubaneswar
年份: 1962年
经常的英语期号: 第3期
关键词: animal parasitic厚松饼
dias;filariasis;helminthos;helminths;human dias
摘要:The incidence of aortic onchocerciasis was investigated by examining 167 aortas of adult cattle; of the 165 were positive for parasites and nodules. Five
young calves, aged between 3 and 6 months did not reveal any aortic infection,
indicating that the infection is en in adult animals mostly. The affected aortas are invariably sclerod, the degree of sclerosis being dependent on the degree of
infestation; and the aortic nodules containing worms and microfilariae are en on both sides but tho on the outer wall mostly undergo degeneration and
subquent calcification while the nodules on the inner aspect permit the passage of microfilariae into the circulation.