急性白血病(AL)是造血干细胞的恶性克隆性疾病,发病原理为骨髓中异常幼稚细胞与原始细胞迅速大量增殖,堆积于骨髓中。现代治疗该疾病主要采用药物化疗,虽然在一定程度上提高了生存率,但部分患者化疗后会出现骨髓抑制等表现, 导致患者免疫力低下, 使感染的风险急剧增高[1]。本文对我院2017.1月~2018.1月收治的AL骨髓抑制伴感染患者PCT、CRP进行检测,并与同期非感染患者PCT、CRP水平进行对比研究,制造探讨两项检测指标在该疾中的预测价值,笔者已将研究过程总结如下:1 一般资料与方法
余光中的诗歌1.1 一般资料
研究对象选取我院2017.1月-2018.1月接诊的急性白血病骨髓抑制伴感染48例,为研究组,另选取我院同时间内接诊的急性白血病骨髓抑制无感染42例为对照组。本研究通过医院伦理委员会批准,患者已字《知情同意书》。研究组:男性24例,女性24例,年龄16~50岁,平均(27.42±3.61) 岁。均符合IDSA)关于感染性发热判定标准:体温单次>38.2℃或体温(2次及以上)≥38.0℃1 h以上;中性粒细胞(N)<1×109/L或预计值(2 d内)≤0.5×109/L。对照组:男性22例,女性20例,年龄15~48岁, 平为(26.33±3.02) 岁。两组患者基础资料存在微小差异(P>0.05),研究
山东省潍坊市肿瘤医院,山东潍坊 261041向优秀的人学习>华夷>王者荣耀手机
[摘 要] 目的 研究探讨电化学发光检测仪检测PCT、CRP水平对急性白血病(AL)骨髓抑制伴感染的预测价值。方法研究对象选取我院2017.1月-2018.1月接诊的急性白血病骨髓抑制伴感染48例,为研究组,另选取我院同时间内接诊的急性白血病骨髓抑制无感染42例为对照组。结果 治疗前,研究组PCT、CRP水平显著高于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后,研究组PCT、CRP水平显著低于同组治疗前(P<0.05),治疗前后对照组PCT、CRP水平变化不明显(P>0.05)。结论 PCT、CRP水平用于检测急性白血病(AL)骨髓抑制伴感染具有高度敏感性,具有较高的预测价值,PCT、CRP水平监测还有利于疾病治疗,值得临床推广应用。
[关键词] PCT;CRP;急性白血病;骨髓抑制;感染;预测价值
Predictive Value of PCT, CRP Level Detected by Electrochemiluminescence Detector in (AL) Myelosuppression with Infection in Acute Leukemia
LI Zhenzhen
Weifang Cancer Hospital, Shandong Province, Weifang Shandong 261041, China小儿退烧按摩手法
Abstract: Objective To investigate the predictive value of electrochemiluminescence detector for detecting PCT and CRP levels in acute leukemia(AL) bone marrow inhibition with infection. Methods 48 cas of acute leukemia bone marrow Suppressor infection were lected as the rearch group, and 42 cas of acute leukemia bone marrow Suppressor without infection were lected as the control group. Results The PCT and CRP levels of the group were significantly higher than tho of the control group(P<0.05). After treatment, the levels of PCT and CRP in the study group were significantly lower than tho before the same group(P<0.05), and there was no significant change in the levels of PCT and CRP in the control group before and after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion PCT and CRP levels are highly nsitive for detecting acute leukemia (AL) bone marrow inhibition with infection, and have high predictive value. PCT and CRP levels are also conducive to the treatment of dias, and are worthy of clinical application. Key words: PCT; CRP; acute leukemia; bone marrow inhibition; infection; projected value
[中图分类号] R733.71 [文献标识码] A
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1633.2019.S1.043 [文章编号] 1674-1633(2019)S1-0085-02
中国医疗设备 2019年第34卷 S1期 V OL.34 No.S185