Political and social factors:
1. The American and French revolution: an upsurge of national liberation and democratic movements
American revolution (1775-1783)—The formation of the independent United States.
French revolution of 1789—“Liberty, equality and fraternity”
2. The Industrial Revolution
Effect:1. One of the main effects of the rapid and vast economic changes was the urbanization of the growing population.
2. The conditions of the working poor in the cities was intolerable.
3. There were children working in dark, dangerous factories.
4. The working class and the poor lived in polluted, congested slums. Mass epidemics like typhoid fever afflicted the slums. The romantics, the liberals, the socialists, the anarchists and the communists all emerged with their ideologies at this point in history to criticize the man-made horrors.
3. The Luddite movement (工人运动)
1.Rousau 卢梭(page 2)—the father of romanticism
—To rely on feelings, to follow the instincts and emotions.
—Return to nature。
2.Edmund Burke 埃德蒙伯克( Page 2)
—Reflection on the Revolution in France (1790)《法国革命感想》
3.Thomas Paine 托马斯潘恩(page 3)
Rights of Man (1791)
+It was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period from 1800 to 1850.
+Partly a reaction to the Industrial Revolution,it was also a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature.
+ It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and literature, but had a major impact on historiography, education and the natural sciences.
+ Its effect on politics was considerable and complex; while for much of the peak Romantic period it was associated with liberalism and radicalism, in the long term its effect on the growth of nationalism was probably more significant.
+The term was ud in Germany and France at the end of 18th and beginning of 19th C to classify a new movement in literature, especially in poetry.
(1) They cultivated imaginative freedom, though in very various ways, and this encouraged them to u a variety of sometimes very loo poetic forms.
(2) Each of them tended to express the feelings of man in solitude as oppod to tho of man in society.
(3) They shared a tendency to be "inward turning" rather than outward-looking.
(4) All, except perhaps Blake, responded vividly to nature and the natural and uncivilized way of life..
(5) They tended to u language with more freedom and information than the 18th C poets, and emphasize the need for spontaneity in thought and action and in the expression of thought.
(6) They were all, but in different ways, profoundly affected by the great historical fact of the French Revolution, and by its various immediate conquences, especially the career of Napoleon; Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge began as warm revolutionary sympathizers, but the Napoleonic wars caud Blake to withdraw and turned the other two into convinced conrvatives.
(7) All of them exalted the individual genius.
General characteristic features of the romantic movement(Page.3)
1. Subjectivism
2. Spontaneity
3. Singularity
4. Simplicity: everyday language spoken by the rustic people
5. A dominating note of melancholy
6. A freer ver form
1.Lake poet—the passive or escapist romanticists: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey
—detesting the real world, escaping from the reality.
2.Active or radical romanticists: Byron, Shelley, Keats
striving to strengthen man’s will to live and r ai him up against the darkness in the world.
豆腐青菜汤Principles of poetry
1 Subjects:
1). The great subjects of poetry are “esntial passions of the heart” and “the great and simple affections.”(Preface to Lyrical Ballads(2nd ed.)).
2). Incidents and situations from common life
2. Source of poetry: feelings
1). “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”
2). Emotion recollected in tranquility
3. Language: “real language of men in a state of vivid nsation” (no poetic diction)
1.William Wordsworth:
+Both parents had died by the time Wordsworth was 13
+John Wordsworth, his father, was very educated and liberal and encouraged his children to be the same
+Wordsworth’s hometown was in the beautiful Lake District prompting h is early love and appreciation of nature, along with imagination
+Believed all individuals have potential to reach a transcendental understanding of nature through his or her relationship with nature
+Believed nature was the glue that binds everything together
+Dorothy, Wordsworth’s sister, was very important to him
–She experienced nature at an early age and her thoughts and impressions influenced Wordsworth.
2.Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
English poet, literary critic and philosopher; a founder of the Romantic Movement in England (with his friend William Wordsworth); a member of the Lake Poets.
He coined many familiar words and phras, including the celebrated suspension of disbelief. He was a major influence on Emerson, and American transcendentalism.
3.George Gordon Byron
Personal Image:
∙ a leader of the era's poetic revolution, he named Alexander Pope as his master;
∙ a worshiper of the ideal, he never lost touch with reality;
∙ a deist and freethinker, he retained from his youth a Calvinist n of original sin;
∙ a peer of the realm, he championed liberty in his works and deeds, giving money, time, energy, and finally his life to the Greek war of independence
Writing forms:
∙satire, ver narrative, ode, lyric, speculative drama, historical tragedy, confessional poetry, dramatic monologue, riocomic epic, and voluminous correspondence, written in Spenrian stanzas, heroic couplets, blank ver, terza rima, ottava rima, and vigorous pro
∙terza rima三行诗节押韵法(象旦丁《神曲》中所用的诗体,三行为一节,每节的第二行与下一节的第一、三行押韵)
∙ottava rima(意)八行体(一种诗体,每行十或十一个音节,前六行交替押韵,后两行另成一组同脚韵)
Byron’s chief contribution to English poetry. Such a hero is a proud, rebellious figure of
noble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is to right all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and he would fight single-handedly against all the misdoings. Thus this figure is a rebellious individual against outw
orn social systems and conventions.The Byronic hero first appears in Byron's mi-autobiographical epic narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812–1818).
∙The Byronic hero typically exhibits veral of the following traits:
∙Cunning and able to adapt
∙Disrespectful of rank and privilege
∙Emotionally conflicted, bipolar, or moody
∙Having a distaste for social institutions and norms
∙Having a troubled past or suffering from an unnamed crime
∙Intelligent and perceptive
4.Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley is one of the leading Romantic poets, an inten and original lyrical poet in the English language. He has a reputation as a difficult poet: erudite (learned), complex (difficult), full of classical and mythological allusions. His style abounds in personification and metaphor and other figures of speech.
Shelley loved the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters.
He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind.
膏蟹要蒸多久才熟He stood for this social and political ideal all his life.
He and Byron are regarded as the two great poets of the younger generation in English Romanticism.
5.John Keats
HSRPMajor features of Keats’ poetry
1.Characterized by exact and cloly-knit construction, emotional descriptions, and by force
of imagination, gives transcendental values to the physical beauty of the world.
2.Always nsuous, colorful and rich in imagery.
3.Major subjects: love & beauty, suffering & death.
His artistic aim is to create a beautiful world of imagination as oppod to the mirable reality of his day. His leading principle is “Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.”
6.Charles Lamb
Literature career:送表
☐Lamb lived under the poetic shadow of his friend Coleridge. In the final years of the
18th century Lamb began to work on pro with the novella entitled Rosamund Gray,qq怎么分享屏幕
a story of a young girl who was thought to be inspired by Ann Simmonds, with whom
Charles Lamb was thought to be in love. Although the story is not particularly successful as a narrative becau of Lamb's poor n of plot, it was well thought of by Lamb's contemporaries and led Shelley to obrve “what a lovely thing is Rosamund Gray! How much knowledge of the sweetest part of our nature in it!”
生化丸☐In the first years of the 19th century Lamb began his fruitful literary cooperation with his sister Mary. Together they wrote at least three books for William Godwin’s Juvenile Library. The most successful of the was of cour Tales From Shakespeare.
☐Lamb also contributed a footnote to Shakespearean studies at this time with his essay "On the Tragedies of Shakespeare," in which he argues that Shakespeare should be read rather than performed in order to gain the proper effect of his dramatic genius.
☐Lamb also contributed to the popularization of Shakespeare's contemporaries with his book Specimens of the English Dramatic Poets Who Lived About the Time of Shakespeare.
☐Although he did not write his first Elia essay until 1820, Lamb’s gradual perfection of the essay for
m for which he eventually became famous began as early 1802 in a ries of open letters to Leigh Hunt’s Reflector. The most famous of the is called "The Londoner" in which Lamb famously derides the contemporary fascination with nature and the countryside.
7.Walter Scott
☐ A Scottish historical novelist, playwright, and poet
☐Popular throughout much of the world during his time
☐The first English-language author to have a truly international career in his lifetime