I. Phra Translation
1. credit rating:信用评级
2. market access:市场准入
3. disaster relief:赈灾;灾难援助崇祯吊死煤山
夫子庙花灯 4. insurance policy:保险单,保单
5. deficit spending:赤字开支
6. landfill gas:堆填区沼气
7. small and medium Enterpris (SMEs):中小企业
8. energy conrvation;节约能源;节能
9. subprime mortgage crisis:次贷危机;美国次贷危机助纣为虐的意思
10. methanol-fueled cars:甲醇汽车
11. news briefing:新闻发布会
12. a level playing field:公平竞争的环境
13. defen budget:国防预算
14. nuclear plant:核电厂;核电站
15. administrative transparency:政务透明;政务信息透明度
16.粮食安全:food curity
17.弱势群体:disadvantaged groups; vulnerable groups; the disadvantaged
18.三农问题:issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers; issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area
消防模拟演练 19.医疗改革:health care reform
20.小微企业”〔小型、微型企业):small and micro business
21.税级:tax bracket
22.救助基金:rescue fund;bailout fund
23.养老保险:endowment insurance
24.积极的财政政策:a proactive fiscal policy
25.农村留守人口:rural left-behind population
26.防腐剂:prervative ; aptic
27.调控房价:housing prices control
28.最低生活标准:minimum living standard;
29.人均收入:per capita income ; average per capita income
30.城乡差距:urban-rural gap ; rural-urban disparity
II. Passage translation
Section A English to Chine
Man, viewed morally, is a strange amalgam of angel and devil. He can feel the splendor of the night, the delicate beauty of spring flowers, the tender emotion of parental love, and the intoxication of intellectual understanding. In moments of insight visions come to him of how life should be lived and how men should order their dealings one with another. Universal love is an emotion which many have felt and which many more could feel if the world made it less difficult. This is one side of the picture. On the other side are Cruelty, greed, indifference and over-Weening pride. In pursuit of political aims men will submit their opponents to long years of unspeakable anguish. We know What the Nazis did to Jews at Auschwitz. In mass cruelty, the expulsions of Germans ordered by the Russians fall not very far short of the atrocities perpetuated by the Nazis. And how about our noble lves?