Speeches from the 2008 Presidential Campaign

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Speeches from the 2008 Presidential Campaign
奥巴马 Barack Obama
在美国就业机会的成长峰会的注记 Remarks at the Growing American Jobs Summit
沃思湖,佛罗里达州 Lake Worth, Florida 20081021日, October 21, 2008
我要感谢你加入我们这个经济首脑会议今天在佛罗里达州。 I want to thank you all for joining us here in Florida today for this economic summit.
我们相聚在美国很大的不确定性的时刻。 We meet at a moment of great uncertainty for America. 我们所面临的经济危机是大萧条以来最严重的。 The economic crisis we face is the worst since the Great Depression. 大型和小型企业无法获得贷款,这意味着他们无法购买新设备,或雇用新员工,甚至使他们的工人的工资。 Business large and small are finding it impossible to get loans, which means they can't buy new equipment, or hire new workers, or even make payroll for the workers they have. 我们已经失去了超过75万个就业机会,今年 - 我们刚刚获悉,在佛罗里达州,我们失去了近11000个工作岗位,仅在九月。 We've lost more than 750,000 jobs this year - and we just learned that here in Florida, we lost nearly 11,000 jobs in September alone. 工资低于他们已经十年了,在医疗和教育成本时从未较高的时间。 Wages are lower than they've been in a decade, at a time when the cost of health care and college have never been higher.
本月早些时候,濒临崩溃的边缘的全球市场上的主要金融机构,我们采取前所未有的行动,并通过了一项700亿美元的救援计划。 Earlier this month, with major financial institutions on the verge of collap and global mark
ets on the brink, we took unprecedented action and pasd a $700 billion rescue plan. 我毫不怀疑这是在做正确的事,以解决眼前的危机,并把我们的经济上站稳了脚跟。 I have no doubt this was the right thing to do to address the immediate crisis and put our economy on firmer footing. 但它也刚开始的时候 - 我们的工作,重建我们的经济困难 - 而不是结束。 But it was also just the beginning - not the end - of our work to rebuild our struggling economy.
这个舞台上的一些人知道这比只是任何人都更好。 Some of the folks on this stage know this better than just about anyone. 他们是在第一线,与华尔街的后果,从8年的贪婪和不负责任,在华盛顿处理。 They are on the front lines, dealing with the fallout from eight years of greed on Wall Street and irresponsibility in Washington. 当我们在伊拉克的花费每月100亿美元,这意味着更少的钱,以解决在家里摇摇欲坠的道路和桥梁。 When we spend $10 billion a month in Iraq, that means less money to fix crumbling roads and bridges here at home. 当我们的总统通过减税大公司和富翁,让我们没有资源的国家提供卫生保健和良好的学校和警察和消防队员。 When our President pass tax breaks for big corporations and multimillionaires, that leaves our states without the resources to provide health care and good schools and police and firefighters. 怎样煮面条今天,21个国家正面临预算短缺 - 包括佛罗里达州。 Today, twenty-one states are facing budget shortfalls - including Florida. 和美国各地的行长,正面临着一个不可能的选择:削减重要服务或苦苦维持下去已经提高对家庭房产税。 And governors across America are facing an impossible choice: cut vital rvices or rai property taxes on families already struggling to stay afloat.
现在,让我们很清楚:金融危机,国家,企业和家庭都面临着不只是弹起全面爆发一夜之间。 Now, let's be clear: the financial crisis that states, business and families are facing didn
't just spring up full-blown overnight. 这已经很长一段时间来,已经非常明确的警示标志。 This has been a long time coming, and the warning signs have been very clear. 但是,尽管美国总统布什和麦凯恩参议员准备移动天地,以应对华尔街危机,美国总统布什已经失败,以解决危机的大街上 - 参议员麦凯恩未能充分承认这一点。 But while President Bush and Senator McCain were ready to move heaven and earth to address the crisis on Wall Street, President Bush has failed to address the crisis on Main Street - and Senator McCain has failed to fully acknowledge it. 一个月后一个月,而不是常识性的解决方案,他们已经提供比故意的无知,一厢情愿,和过时的意识形态。 Instead of commonn solutions, month after month, they've offered little more than willful ignorance, wishful thinking, and outdated ideology.
9个月前 - 早在1 - 我呼吁经济刺激计划向各国提供紧急救援,随着出口退税,直接拿钱的中产阶级家庭和止赎预防基金,以帮助他们保持自己的家园。 Nine months ago - back in January - I called for a stimulus plan to provide immediate relief for states, along with tax rebates to get money directly to middle class families and a foreclosure prevention fund to help them keep their homes. 另一方面,参议员麦凯恩,坚持经济的基本面是强劲的。 Senator McCain, on the other hand, insisted that the fundamentals of the economy were strong. 和他的顾问在国会公然嘲笑的经济刺激计划 - 一提到它,我引述,借款从中国和下降从直升机的钱。 And his advisors openly mocked the stimulus plan before Congress - one referred to it, and I quote, as "borrowing money from the Chine and dropping it from helicopters." 另一个驳回,因为它的垃圾 Another dismisd it as "junk."
去年剖腹产月子餐8月,我打电话给乔布斯和增长基金,以帮助各国人民投入工作重建和修复道路,桥梁和学校。 Last August, I called for a Jobs and Growth Fund to help states put people to work rebuild
ing and repairing our roads, bridges and schools. 我打电话25我们还在路上亿美元,以帮助州和地方政府支付服务,避免提高物业税,因为加税的最后一件事,我们的家庭,在这样的经济需要。 And I called for $25 billion to help states and local governments pay for rvices and avoid raising property taxes, becau tax increas are the last thing our families need in an economy like this. 但美国总统布什和麦凯恩参议员认为,第二个经济刺激方案是不必要的。 But President Bush and Senator McCain thought that a cond stimulus package was unnecessary.
最后,9直个月的失业和的几代人最差的市场动荡后,在一段时间时,即使在布什白色内务已经承认需要第二个刺激,参议员麦凯恩提出提出一个计划 - 并可以说,它离开很多有待改进。 Finally, after nine straight months of job loss and the worst market turmoil in generations, at a time when even the Bush White Hou has acknowledged the need for a cond stimulus, Senator McCain put forth a plan - and it's fair to say, it leaves a lot to be desired.
这是一个什么也不做,创造就业机会的建议。 It's a proposal that does nothing to create jobs. 这是一个什么也不做,以帮助失业和工资下降和安装票据突发事件的家庭的应急预案。 It's an emergency plan that does nothing to help families with the emergencies of lost jobs and falling wages and mounting bills. 显示器有重影它包含了房屋的建议,提供了300亿美元的救助华尔街银行 - 流行发色但并没有帮助中产阶级家庭,留在家里。 It contains a housing proposal that offers a $300 billion bailout for Wall Street banks - but does little to help middle class families stay in their homes. 中秋节诗
象棋铁滑车总之,它是经济的建议,做什么来重建我们的经济,一切继续,同样未能在过去八年的政策 - 当投机者gamed系统,监管看着其他方式,游说购买到我们的政府他们的方式。 In short, it's an economic proposal that does nothing to rebuild our economy, but everything to continue the same failed policies of the past eight years - when speculators
gamed the system, regulators looked the other way, and lobbyists bought their way into our government. 这是同样的失败政治,谴责贪婪的华尔街一分钟,然后奖励贪婪的华尔街公司的CEO和减税的下一分钟。 It's the same failed politics of decrying greed on Wall Street one minute, and then rewarding that greed the next minute with tax cuts for Wall Street corporations and CEOs. 怎样治咳嗽这是同样的失败理念:给予越来越多,最希望繁荣滴滴别人的。 It's the same failed philosophy: give more and more to tho with the most and hope prosperity trickles down to everyone el.

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