1. Find the correct Chine meaning of the following terms
bailout 跳伞
foreclosure 丧失抵押品赎取权
default 无可无不可缺乏,逃避
subprime 我的世界怎么开挂次贷
U.S Federal Rerve 美国联邦储备
as of 手机照片备份自从
outstanding Fannie 显著的房利美Mae spike plummet lien Freddie Mac
分不了手2. Translate the ntences marked with red color into Chine
In the optimistic terms the banks would encourage the home owners to take on considerably high loans in the belief they would be able to pay it back more quickly overloo
厌倦拼音king the interest rates.
秋天最简单的画Steadily decreasing interest rates backed by the U.S Federal Rerve from 1982 onward and large inflows of foreign funds created easy credit conditions for a number of years prior to the crisis, fueling a housing construction boom and encouraging debt-financed consumption.由1982年以前美国联邦储备系统支持,利息率平稳下降,并且在加注了房屋建设的增长时大量外国基金的流入为危机之前若干年创造了一个良好的信贷条件。
The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers, who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers.