33 meltdown:萧条,彻底垮台普尔敏
34. turmoil:动荡
外女>公务员年度考核表35. rally:大升
36. Exacerbate: make wor. c.f. The worries on the Street have been exacerbated by the spread of the U.S. credit problems over
37. Precipitous: extremely steep.
搓奶38. short-term Treasuries :短期国债
39. credit crunch:信用紧缩(使用频率最高的词汇之一)
40. bloodbath: 大屠杀
41. plummet:直线下降
支教日记42. catastrophe:灾难溃疡口腔怎么好得快
43: free fall: 直线下降
44: to hit a new low in .... years (months),达到....年(月)的新底
45. economic recession:经济衰退
46. to surge: 急速上涨
47. to rebounce: 反弹
纸星星怎么折48. sharp gains: 剧烈上升
49. to dump shares: 抛盘
50: volatility: 易变状态;
51: hedge fund: 套利基金;避险基金
52. crumble: v. 崩溃,弄碎,减亡