安居工程affordable/comfortable housing project
保八eight-percent protection
创造新的就业generate new employment
刺激消费stimulate consumer spending
遏制衰退containing declines
恢复revive/ recovery/ turnaround
积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy
基础设施建设infrastructure construction
减缓衰退slow down declines
减免税收tax relief
减少裁员refrain from laying off employees
减薪salary cut
减员cut the salaried work force
结构调整structural adjustment
经济不景气recession/ bleeding economy/ depression/sluggish economy
经济刺激方案stimulus package/ stimulus plan
经济复苏economic recovery
经济危机economic crisis/ financial crisis/ financial turmoil/financial meltdown 经济危机的影响the crisis' fallout
就业指导career guidance
抗风险能力anti-risk capability
扩大内需propel/ drive/ expand domestic demand
例行节约practice economy
欠薪withhold wage
失业lo one’s job/ be unemployed/ be redundant
失业加剧job loss mount/ unemployment climb
失业人数jobless number
适度宽松的货币政策moderately loo monetary policy
削减生产slash production
消费券consumption coupon
小额贷款loans of small amounts
信心下滑confidence slump
严峻的就业形势a tough job market
应对危机face the crisis/ meet the crisis/ fight crisis
找工作ek employment
找工作者job eker
政府紧急援助government bailout
政府做某事的决心government’s vow to do sth.
重建信心confidence reconstruction
financial crisis/meltdown 金融危机
Federal Rerve 美联储
real estate 房地产
share 股票
valuation 股价
equity market 股市
shareholder 股东
macroeconomic 宏观经济
go under\bankrupt 破产
take a nodive (股市)大跌
tumble 下跌
bour 证交所
corporate champion 龙头企业
pension fund 养老基金
government bond 政府债券
budget 预算
deficit 赤字
mongey-lor 亏损企业
traded company,trading enterpri 上市公司transparency 透明度
intellectual property 知识产权opportunistic practice 投机行为entrepreneur 企业家
cook the book 做假帐
money-market 短期资本市场
可爱小女生头像capital-market 长期资本市场
volatility 波动
option 期权
merger 并购
arbitrage 套利
bad debt 坏帐
a store of value 保值
forward exchange 期货交易
pickup in price 物价上涨
inflation 通货膨胀
deflation 通货紧缩
tighter credit 紧缩信贷
monetary policy 货币政策
foreigh exchange 外汇
quote 报价
contract 合同虎鲨鱼
domestic currency 本币
floating rate 浮动利率
venture capital 风险资本(VC)
job machine 就业市场
golbal corporation 跨国公司
consolidation 兼并
leverage 杠杆
file for bankruptcy 申请破产
bailout 救助
take over 收购
on the hook 被套住
低碳经济Low-Carbon Economy(LCE)
低碳生活Low-Carbon Life
低碳旅游Low-Carbon Tour
低碳城市化道路Low-Carbon urbanization way
二氧化碳Carbon dioxide
二氧化碳排放the output of the carbon dioxide
二氧化碳浓度Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide 碳减排Carbon emission reduction
碳排放标准Standard for carbon dioxide emission
碳排放责任Liability for carbon dioxide emission
越境碳污染Trans-frontier carbon dioxide pollution
一氧化碳Carbon monoxide
温室气体Greenhou gas(GHS)
温室气体排放Greenhou gas emission
温室效应Greenhou effect
全球气候变暖Global warming
大气模型Atmospheric models
空气质量管理Air quality management
大气监测Atmospheric monitoring
大气修正Atmospheric corrections
大气层的化学成分Chemical composition of the atmosphere 臭氧层Ozone layer
紫外线Ultraviolet ray
工业烟尘Industrial fumes
环境核算Environmental accounting
环境审计Environmental auditing
环境健康影响评价Environmental health impact asssment 环境影响Environmental impact
环境影响评价Environmental impact asssment
环境影响状报告书Environmental impact statement
环境指标Environmental indicators
在回家的路上环境政策Environmental policy
环境风险评估Environmental risk asssment
可持续发展Sustainable development
城市,让生活更美好Better city, better life
世博会会徽Expo emblem
世博会徽标Expo Logo
世博会吉祥物Expo Mascot
世博会纪念品Expo Souvenir
世博园Expo Park
世博会主题Expo theme
世博园区the Expo Site
主题馆the theme pavilions
国际馆International Pavilion
主题馆Theme Pavilion
企业馆Enterpri Pavilion
中国馆China Pavilion
世博会村the Expo Village
世博中心the Expo Center
世博餐饮中心Expo Dining Center
城市,让生活更美好Better city, better life.
公共服务public rvice
信息中心the Information Center
服务中心the Service Center
急救中心the Emergency Center
世博急救中心Expo First-aid Center
国际会议中心International Convention Center 金融贸易区Finance and Trade Zone
桑椹黄浦江the Huangpu River
商厦Commercial Building
公共交通public transport
红绿灯traffic lights
轻轨站the light rail station
过江隧道tunnels under the river
专线大巴the shuttle bus
园内巴士the on-site bus
停车场the parking lot
叫辆出租车hail a taxi
停车park one’s car苦碟菜
夜游night tour