What's going on? 怎么了?
My eye is a little itchy. 我的眼睛有点痒欧洲十大艺术风格
Mine too. Yeah. 我的也是
It's really red. You should go e my eye doctor. 你的眼睛好红喔 你应该去看我的眼科医生
I'm not gonna e your ex-boyfriend. 理查?我才不要 找你的前男友看眼睛
That's all I hear. Richard, Richard, Richard. 理查…一天到晚理查个没完
Since we've dated, I've said his name twice. 打从我们开始约会以后 我想我只提过两次他的名字
Okay. So Richard, Richard. 那好,理查、理查
It's not Richard. It's this new guy. He's good. 不是理查啦 我新找的眼科医生很棒
I'm sorry. I'm not going to an eye doctor. 抱歉,我不去看眼科医生
-Oh, God. Here we go. -What? 天啊,老毛病又犯了 什么?
Anytime anything comes clo to touching her eye or anyone 每次只要碰到眼睛这档事 她马上就...
...she, like, freaks out. Watch. ...避之唯恐不及 注意看
Ross, come on! 罗斯,你别闹了
I have a weird thing with my eye. Can we not talk about it? 好,我对我的眼睛有怪癖 麻烦别再讨论了,行吗?
好吧… 好,我对我的眼睛有怪癖 麻烦别再讨论了,行吗?
Hey,Rach. You know that great song? "Me, Mylf and Eye." 瑞秋,还记得有首很棒的歌 我、我自己和… (“我”和“眼睛”同音)
Monica! Come on! 摩妮卡,别闹啦
All tho in favor of getting lunch, say, "eye." 有没有人想吃午餐? 有意愿的请说…
Ross! Stop it! 罗斯,拜托别闹了啦
How much did I love The King and Eye? 我有多喜欢“国王与我”?
Chandler! 钱德!
Me too, me too! 我也是…
Just stop it! That's enough! 够了,别玩了…
-You okay there, man? -Yeah. I got too excited. 你还好吧? 对,我真的戳到了
恋色秀场The One with Joey's Big Break 本集播出:“眼病难医”
29 先走了,我要带班去公园
-Give him a kiss for me. -All right. Bye. 帮我亲一下他 好,再见
Later. 再见…
I'm so sorry you got caught in the middle of that. 很抱歉让你们夹在中间尴尬
马卡龙多少钱一个I didn't mean to be so out there, but I am furious with him. 我也不是故意这么夸张 但我真的很生他的气
Calm down? 别激动
I'm trying. Man, that guy can push my buttons! 我在克制 但一想到那个人我就有气
Why are you so mad? 你干嘛那么气他?
-I don't wanna talk about it. -lt ems like 我不想谈,好吗? 只是…
You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking. 你想榜上有名就继续说啊
Has anyone en my list, by the way? 对了,谁有看到我的黑名单?
No. What's it look like? 没看到,长什么样子?
-A piece of paper and it says, "Ross." -I e. 就是张纸,上头写了“罗斯” 了解
I just got off the phone with Estelle. Guess what? 我刚和艾斯黛讲完电话 你们猜怎么了?
I got the lead in a movie!!! 我要当电影主角了!
You got the lead in a movie? What's it about? 你要演电影主角,太厉害了 是什么电影?
It's called Shutterspeed. It's really cool. 片名是“极限速度”, 超酷的
I meet this girl in the subway and we fall in love in, like, a day. 我在地铁遇见一个女孩 一天之内坠入情网
And then she disappears. But I find out where she lives. 后来她消失无踪 但我找出了她住在哪里
This old lady answers the door. I say,"Where's Betsy?" 一个老太太出来开门 我问她“贝丝在哪里?”
And she says, "Betsy's been dead for 10 years." 她说“贝丝已经过世十年了”
Chilling! 好寒
The best part is,we're filming in the dert outside of Vegas. 最棒的部分是 拍片地点在赌城外的沙漠
-You know what that means. -I know. 兄弟,你知道那是啥意思 对,我知道
Road trip! We can rent a car. I have to be there by Tuesday. 开车杀过去,我们可以租车 我周二以前到那里就行了
Wait! My grandmother's dead. 等等,我祖母过世了
青春那些事We can talk about that too,Phoebe. 菲比,我们也可以聊聊那件事
No, her cab. 不…我是说她的计程车
She probably won't be using it. Drive it to Las Vegas. 她八成用不到了 你们可以开去赌城
All right! Thanks! 好耶,菲比,谢了
私房按摩师What are we gonna do about my job? 等等… 那我的工作怎么办?
Not go. 别去了
Great! Road trip,baby! 好耶!棒!上路罗!
Is this okay? 你没意见吧?
Chandler, you don't have to ask for my permission. 钱德,你不用徵求我的允许…
You can go. 我让你去 谢谢
Rach, we'll be late for the eye doctor. 瑞秋,快点,我们看医生要迟到了
All right. Let's get this over with. 好啦,早去早解脱
Look what I did. 糟糕,我真是笨手笨脚的
I mean, look at this mess. 搞得一团乱
We're gonna probably have to clean this up. 我得先来清理一下
I mean, we're gonna have to reschedule! 看诊时间得要重约了
If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me, you are wrong! 若你认为这点脏乱就会影响我 那你就错了
All right, let's go, Blinky. 我们走吧,眨眼姑娘
钱德! 我们走吧,眨眼姑娘
“中央咖啡馆” 我们走吧,眨眼姑娘
Hey,Joey. What's up? 乔伊 你怎么了?
I can't decide which route to take to Vegas. 我无法决定走哪条路去赌城
You've traveled a lot, right? 你去过不少地方吧?
Yeah,I've been around. 对,见过世面
Which route should I take? The north or the south route? 那我该选哪一条? 北线还是南线?
If you take the north route, there's a man with a beard of bees. 走北线途经伊利诺州 有个男人会用蜜蜂当胡子
Great! Problem solved! 太棒了,问题解决
On the south route, there's a chicken that plays tic-tac-toe. 但是走南线的话 可以看会玩井字游戏的鸡
Well, back to square one. 又回到原点了
I know a way that you can decide. 我知道有个方法能让你做决定
I'll ask you a ries of questions and you answer as quickly as you can. 我会问你一连串的问题 你回答得越快越好
Yes! 好!
Good. But wait. 很好,不过先别急
Here we go. I want you to relax. 开始罗,你先放轻松