LPG- 喷雾干燥机
Spray Dryer
Operation instruction
文控People’s Republic of China
目 录
1. 概述
General 装修色彩………………………………………………… 1
bin文件夹2. 工作原理
Working Principle ………………………………………1
3. 设备特点
Equipment Features …………………………………… 2
4. 干燥机组的安装
Dryer Installation ……………………………………… 3
5. 离心喷雾干燥机操作程序
Operation Procedure of Spray Dryer ……………… 3
(1) 开车前的准备工作
Preparation Before Start-up
(2) 开车运行
(3) 停车
Stop Running
(4) 停车后的清洗
Cleaning After Stop
6. 高速雾化器的维修与保养国债期货交易
Maintenance of High-speed Atomizer …………………… 4
7. 故障分析与排除
Fail Analysis and Repair …………………………… 6
8. 安全生产
Safety Operation ……………………………………… 7
9. 离心喷雾自控系统
Auto-control System of Centrifugal Spray ……………8看低
10. 喷雾干燥塔中主要易损件
Main Wearing Part of Spray Drying Tower …………9
Attachment: Electrical Principle Dwg.
工程竣工验收报告1. 概述 General
LPG High-speed Centrifugal Spray Dryer mainly ud for the drying of materials such as weak solution, emulsion, suspending liquid, slurry, melt-water, Chine herbal extract etc.
to dry powder. It has advantages of high speed and efficiency as well as less process. For thermal nsitive material, it can keep its color, scent and taste. Dry powder has good solubility and high purity. This kind of dryer has widely application on industries such as plastic, dye stuff, light industry, fertilizer, food-stuff, pharmaceutical especially for heat-nsitive materials such as milk, medicine, dye stuff etc.
2. 工作原理西湖美食Working Principle
The drying procedure of LPG spray dryer is the drying from atomized slurry to powder directly and the heat transfer and medium transfer are carried out at the same time. Durin
g drying, water evaporation of droplet is in the process of heating exchange. When it is in lower speed granule drying, it starts the process of diffusion. The water content of discharged material from drying chamber is related to the previous air relative humidity. Final moisture of material must not lower than the balance moisture under relative humidity. Final moisture is controlled by the last time moisture humidity contacting with air and is a humidity gradient control of diffusion control, and the three control stages constructed spray drying process.
Heating air to required temperature and entering into hot air distributor in a tangent direction, and then evenly goes into the dryer chamber in a screw type. At the same time
slurry is atomized to umbrella-type fine droplet by atomizer, then it start heat and medium transfer after mixing contact between droplet and hot air. At the same time high temperature air flow contact with high moisture droplet, and then moisture start evaporating quickly. Dry material discharged from bottom cone goes into cyclone parator along with air flow in the duct where most of material will be parated, a small amount of fine will be further collected in the bag filter and the off-gas will be discharged by exhaust fan.