岳普湖Protocol for a randomid controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the 'Care for Stroke' intervention in India: a smartphone-enabled, carer-supported, educational intervention for
成语接龙大全>合肥教师资格证management of disabilities following stroke
期刊名称: Bmj Open
作者: Sureshkumar K,Murthy G V S,Kuper Hannah
尧山大佛年份: 2018年
winsys期号: 第5期
步字的笔顺关键词: clinical trials;stroke;disability;mhealth;rehabilitation medicine
摘要:The rising prevalence of stroke and stroke-related disability witnesd globally over the past decades may cau an overwhelming demand for rehabilitation rvices. This situation is of concern for low-income and middle-income countries like India where the resources for rehabilitation are often li
mited. Recently, a smartphone-enabled carer-supported educational intervention for management of physical disabilities following stroke was developed in India. It was found to be feasible and acceptable, but evidence of effectiveness is lacking. Hence, as a step forward, this study intends to evaluate clinical effectiveness of the intervention through a randomid controlled trial. The objective of the study is to evaluate whether the 'Care for Stroke' intervention is clinically and cost-effective
励志短语正能量for the reduction of dependency