院系 | | 专业 | 电气工程 |
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课程名称 | 高压直流及柔性交流输电理论与技术(纯英文) |
授课时间 | | 周学时 | | to音标 学分 | |
简 要 评 语 | |
考核论题 | Features and Application of FACTS |
智能手表怎么使用 总评成绩 (含平时成绩) | |
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Features and Application of FACTS
A flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) can realize control for certain parameter or multiple parameters of power system, so as to rai stability and transmission capacity of the system. Introduction was made to the construction of veral concrete FACTS controllers and its effect to the power gird. Actual application of FACTS technology was gi
ven in stable and dynamic status of power system. Reactive power, voltage and dynamic flow control could be carried out fast, continuously and flexibly, which restricted the system’s low frequency oscillation and subsynchronous oscillation, to rai dynamic performance and stability level of power grid. Finally this article focus on the SSSC and carries on the simulation of it.
Chapter 1 Rearch Background
With the rapid development of national economy, power system has got great achievements on its way to large network. National Grid has been initially formed which can improve the operating efficiency and support the development of economy. At the same time of the expansion of power grid, it has put forward requirements to deal with the complexity of the operating conditions and the difficulty of the control technology. Therefore, the new control technology which name is FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System) comes into being.
FACTS is a system which ud the power electronics technology and modern control tec
hnology in high-voltage power transmission system. By changing the parameters of high-voltage transmission network, such as pha angle, voltage, line impedance, and the network structure of the transmission lines, it replaces the traditional mechanical electronic and electromagnetic control measures. So the AC power transmission system can be highly controllable. At the same time it reduces system loss and the cost of power generation and improve the stability and reliability of the system.
Chapter 2 Development of facts equipment
Until now, FACTS controller has been developed into the third generation. The first generation is connected by conventional electrical, such as reactor and capacitor, coupled with the control device bad SCR power electronic converters such as SVC and TCSC etc. The cond generation controllers canceled the conventional electrical, so all controllers are bad on GTO. The third generation is developed by the cond generation.
The upper part of Figure 3 power shows a simple system diagram and its main operating
parameters. The bottom shows the parameters control functions of third generation controller. In the figure: ESI control the active power; TCPST can quickly control the change of pha angle; SVC and STATCOM respectively control voltage reactive power; TCSC and SSSC respectively control the reactance and transmission along the total reactive voltage drop; UPFC is a powerful ries-parallel controller which mainly ud for current or voltage control, dynamic regulation of active and reactive power flow on the line. It 入泮礼is esntially a STATCOM and an SSSC's rial combining; CSC is a further expansion of the UPFC, which expanded from the power transmission control to the “Grid control”.
:Connected in parallel :Connected in ries Series-parallel connection
Figure 1 The main function and schematic development of FACTS controller
The core of FACTS technology is the FACTS controllers. It can be divided into parallel, rial and parallel-ries FACTS controllers which depended on the connection mode in the system. The following article will introduce the types of controllers.
2.1 Parallel FACTS Controllers
1) Static Var Compensator. SVC is a static parallel device which can generate or absorb reactive power. It includes TCR (Thyristor Controlled Reactor), TSR (Thyristor Switched Reactor), TSC (Thyristor Switched Capacitor) and some combination with MSC or MSR. The structure of SVC is shown in Figure1. SVC, which is one of the most widely ud FACTS controller, adjust its output current for controlling the voltage level. However, if voltage drops, the compensation capacity will not be enough and TCR will generate har
monic interference. All of this problem will be solved by STATCOM. SVC is not only ud to improve the transmission grid controllability, stability and transmission capacity, but also widely ud in the distribution network to improve power supply reliability, reduce line loss and improve power quality.
Figure 2 the schematic of SVC
2) Static Synchronous Compensator STATCOM. STATCOM is a generator which can compensate reactive power. The function of STATCOM is as same as SVC, but it has a wider range to operate and it has faster rate to adjust. STATCOM may u VSC or CSC.
a) VSC b) CSC
Figure 3 the STATCOM bad on the VSC and the CSC
It is more common to u STATCOM bad on VSC at prent. By adjusting the amplitude of its DC capacitance voltage and (or) modulation converter, it can control the
amplitude of the AC output voltage of the converter and change the polarity of the output current device and size. This can improve stability of the static or transient system. STATCOM has many advantages such as no impact start, continuous adjust, rapid respon, small footprint and low harmonic, etc.