1。You can't love a person ** lives that way without fearing him too.
2.Nothing that you remember has survived.Better to forget。
3. Whatever's going on, you should deal with it before too long. Take care not to let the things fester。 Time will only make it worse.
4.War doesn't negate d**ncy.
5。For you,thousand times over。
6.Children aren’t colouring books. You don't get to fill them with your fourite colors.
7。I don't t to forget any re。
8.Older Hassan (v**e):I dream that my son will grow up to be a good person,a free person. Idream that someday you will return to revisit the land of our childhood。I dream that flowers willbloom in the streets again.。.and kites will fly in the skies!
未来的世界作文心理健康是什么9.That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. B**u the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I he been peeking into that deserted alley for the **t twenty—six years。
10."There is a way to be good again”。 I looked up at tho twin kites。 I thought about Hassan. Thought about Baba。 Ali. Kabul. I thought of the life I had lived until the winter of 1975 came and nged everything. And made me what I am today.
11.After the vie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, croaking。 Tears were sliding down his cheeks. I reached across my seat, sg my arm around him, pulled him close. He rested his head on my shoulder. "He took you for someone el,"I whispered. ”He took you for someone else.”
12。With me as the glaring exception, my father lded the world around him to his liking. The problem, of cour, was that Baba saw the world in black and white. And he got to decide what was black and what was white. You can't love a person ** lives that way without fe
aring him too. Maybe even hating him a little。
13。”When you kill a man, you steal a life,“Baba said。 "You steal his wife’s right to a huand, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth。 When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. ”
14。Rahim Khan laughed. "Children aren't coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your forite colors。”
15.I heard the leather of Baba's seat creaking as he shifted on it。 I closed my eyes, pressed my ear even harder against the door, ting to hear, not ting to hear。
1.I would always feel guilty about it later. So I'd try to make up for it by giving him one of my old shirts or a broken toy. I would tell mylf that was amends enough for a harmless prank。
2.To him, the words on the page were a scramble of codes, indecipherable, mysterious。 Words were secret doorways and I held all the
3.I probably stood there for under a minute, but, to this day, it was one of the longest minutes of my life. Seconds plodded by, each parated from the next by an eterty. Air grew hey damp, alst solid. I was breathing bricks. Baba went on staring me down, and didn’t offer to read。