I thank Lord Mayor Woolf for her very kind words.戴望舒烦忧
I am deeply honoured and yet humbled. I would like to dedicate this award to the peopleof Singapore who have worked so hard to build our nation. Special credit must go to ourPioneer Generation, who dreamt of a far better Singa¬pore when we became independent, andtook us a long way along the journey there. This award also reflects the long and clofriendship between London and Singapore and between our peoples. I am therefore happy thatmy colleagues and friends are here to share this occasion with me.
I first visited London in 1969. I was a
teenager, and London emed marvellous. It was theSwinging Sixties, and London was the capital of cool. Yet it was also a time of upheaval:Protests against the Vietnam War, student sit-ins, hippies and flower power. I had an enjoyablebut sober time attending plays and concerts, exploring muums and art galleries, andspending hours browsing in the greatest bookshop in the world – Foyles.
Later I went to university not in London, but in Cambridge, then still in splendid isolation inthe Fens. But I would visit London regularly, becau my late first wife, Ming Yang, was then amedical student at the Middlex Hospital. Hence London in the early 1970s held many happymemories for me.
But for Londoners and for Britain, tho were difficult times. The British Empire was over,and Britain was adjusting to its new place in the world. Bitter union disputes afflicted theeconomy and disrupted lives. I
especially remember the miners strikes, becau theconquent blackouts caud me to attend supervisions (tutorials) in Cambridge bycandlelight.
Global events were also affecting the British economy. One year (1973) I arrived atHeathrow Airport having spent the summer back home. I found a group of Arabs excitedlytrying to find out what was happening in the Middle East. The Yom Kippur War had broken out.It led to the first OPEC Oil Shock which caud inflation and recession worldwide. Thisworned Englands woes, and cast a pall over London for years.
But by the end of the decade the situation and mood improved. Margaret Thatcher becamePrime Minister in 1979. Thatchers reforms were fiercely contested, but they fundamentallyaltered Britains e
不惮的拼音conomy and society.
Britains victory in the Falklands War in 1982 boosted national pride and restored belief toyour people. That year my father Mr Lee Kuan Yew became an墨子故里
Honorary Freeman. In hisspeech, he spoke of his experiences of London since World War II, and challenged Britain todraw on the spirit of the Falklands War to rejuvenate and transform itlf.
And so Britain did. In the decades that followed, Thatcher and her successors – from bothparties
– oversaw a steady revival in Britains fortunes. Britain outperformed many Continentaleconomies, reversing the situation in 1960s and 1970s. Optimism returned, and Britainsinternational standing ro.
Even more than the rest of Britain, London did well, and emerged as one of the worldsgreat cities. It attracted talent and capital from many countries, and rejuvenated its urban andcultural landscape. London was cool again.
A big factor in Londons resurgence was financial rvices. London had long been afinancial centre. But by the 1980s banking was changing. New technology, ingenious newapproaches to risk, credit,属虎名人
and derivatives, and freer capital flows were transforming thebusiness. London responded faster than most centres. It progressively deregulated andliberalid the industry, culminating in the Big Bang of 1986. Financial rvices took off, andbecame a major contributor to the British economy for the next two decades. The City ofLondon became a cosmopolitan, vibrant centre of world finance and wealth.
The were decades when Singapore was developing rapidly. Asia was on the move, and wewere lucky to catch the winds. We broadened our economic links beyond our old colonialconnections, to attract investments from Europe, US and Japan, and develop new markets inthe countries. We ized opportunities in China and India as they opened up to the world. Weintegrated more cloly with our Southeast Asian neighbours in ASEAN.
At the same time, we continued to nurture and strengthen our historical