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文/ 中远香港航运 ALEX(航顾委 委员)
关于安全港口的权威定义,可以参法官Sellers在The Eastern City [1958] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 127 atpage 131:
A port will not be safe unless, in the relevant period oftime, the particular ship can reach it, u it and return from it without, inthe abnce of some abnormal occurrence, being expod to danger which cannotbe avoided by good navigation and amanship.
很显然,该轮无法离开Gibraltar,直接违反了安全港口中的returnfrom it,因此Gibraltar港对于该轮而言是不安全港口。由于租家违反了合同中关于安全港口的保证,因此船东可以找租家索赔所有费用;同时这些时间耽误事由于租家因自己违约造成的,租家不可以停租。
如法官Roskill在The Hermine案中说的:
It is now quite unnecessary, in theunsafe port or unsafe berth cas, to refer back to the multitude of earlierdecisions…There is the law clearly stated. What has to be determined by thetribunal of fact in each ca is whether, on the particular facts, theparticular warranty of safety has or has not been broken.
一、Transoceanic Petroleum Carriers v Cook Industries Inc. ( The Mary Lou )
在该案中,租家安排船舶到新奥尔良区域的Rerve装粮,在2月19到22日共装货33,000吨,在补充燃油后,离港吃水为33' 9'',当局公布的最大推荐开航吃水为34',但最终船舶在SW Pass那搁浅。法官认为没有证据显示船长和引航员在航行方面存在过失,鉴于1973,1974年连续的洪水可能导致河道淤泥增多吃水变浅;虽然出事地点在Rerve港的港外,但同时考虑到SW Pass及密西西比河乃通往Rerve的必经之路,不应该分开考虑。最终判Rerve港对于Mary Lou该轮而言不是安全港口,租家违反了安全港口保证。
The Arbitrators upheld the owner’s claim for damages. They concluded that there was no
sufficient basis on the facts for finding the master or pilot negligent in relation to theg rounding of the vesl. They found that the succession of the 1973 and early1974 floods gave ri to vere shoaling in the river and held that the port of Rerve was unsafe for the Mary Louand that the charterers were in breach of the safe port warranty contained in the charter-party.
The charterers proceeded to the Commercial Courton a Special Ca and on a Notice of Motion requesting the Arbitrators to findfurther facts.
Mr. Justice Mustillgiving judgment on April 9 held that the arbitrators’ award should stand anddismisd the Notice of Motion. In addition to upholding the arbitrators’conclusion that Rerve was unsafe the Judge dealt with various relevant issuesof law. (1) Test of safety. The Judge said that the judgment in the Eastern City(especially that of Sellers L.J.) and in the Hermine (especially that of Roskill L.J.) were binding on theCourt and that it was unnecessary to go back to earlier decisions. It was clearthat most unsafe port cas now turned on questions of fact and where the issuewas not immediately resolved by referenc
e to the facts any new point must fallwithin the principles of Lord Justice Sellers’ judgment. (2) Time of breach.Reviewing the authorities the Judge held that this was a question to be judgedat the time of using the port and not solely at the time of giving the order togo to that port. He did not feel it necessary in the ca to decide if therewere two breaches or a single continuous breach. (3) Abnormal hazards. It wasnot always the ca that damages would be awarded to the owner if a ship wentto a port and suffered damage. The choice of a port does not involve the choiceof an unexpected event unless that is an attribute or characteristic of theport. (4) Temporary hazards. A temporary hazard which is an attribute of theport could lead to that port being unsafe. (5) Careful navigation. The Judgeindicated that this was a question of fact and the conduct of the master mustbe considered. If he deliberately ignores a known risk or exercis no propercare the chain of causation might be broken. (6) Geographical limits. If theposition of the problem is outside the port and there is no alternative meansof access there would be no ground for a distinction between the lack of safetyinside the port and outside the port. The principle of the vesl being able toreach the port and return from it without being expod to undue risk must beapplied to both situations. (7) Reasonable vicinity.
The Judge found thatthere was no authority for the proposition that the location of the problemmakes any difference.
Applying the aboveprinciples to the grounding of the MaryLou , the Judge found that the port was unsafe. The Arbitrators may havefound that it was possible to avoid the risk but they have also found that theport was not safe. The Arbitrators have not misdirected themlves and thedecision was wholly consistent. The system at New Orleans failed not in a transient mannernor in a manner which was wholly exceptional nor wholly unpredictable.
The Notice of Motion was also rejected.
是安全港口。鉴于合同安全港口条款里加上了free of risks,因此不管任何原因(船东方面的除外),导致船舶不能顺利抵达鲅鱼圈港口,都直接导致租家违反安全港口保证,尽管辽东湾浅滩也不在鲅鱼圈港界内。

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