1.Visual chapter openers and summaries
2.On the Web explorations 网络资源
3.Tips 小贴士,小窍门
4.Making IT work for you 为你所用
5.Concept checks and review 检查
6.Key terms 核心词汇
7.Careers in IT 信息技术相关职业
8.Procedures (指令,操作说明)
9.Software (软件)
10.Hardware (硬件)
11.Blocking spam 垃圾邮件过滤软件
12.Speech Recognition 语音识别软件
13.Virus Protection and Internet Security
/doc/943653572.html, Tuner Cards and Video Clips
电视卡和视频编辑软件16.Web Cams and Instant Messaging
网络视频摄像头和即时通讯17.Music from the Internet
18.Home Networking 家庭网络
19.Spyware Removal 间谍软件移除工具
20.Job Opportunities 网络就业机会搜索软件
21.Operation system 操作系统
22.Coordinate resources 协调资源
23.Interface 提供接口
24.Run applications 运行应用程序
25.Utilities 公共实用程序
26.Device drivers 设备驱动程序
27.Browr 浏览器程序
关于端午节的诗词28.Microsoft Office 办公软件
29.Basic application 基础应用程序/doc/943653572.html,itary or Government军事政府
对方拉黑了微信怎么加回来31.Rearch institute 研究机构
32.Insurance companies 保险公司
33.Mainframe computers 大型机,主机
34.Supercomputers 超级计算机
35.Minicomputers 中型电脑豆角饺子
36.Microcomputers 微机个人计算机
37.Desktop computer 台式电脑
38.Notebook computer, laptop computers
39.Tablet PC 支持手写的平板电脑
40.Handheld computer 掌上电脑
41.Windows mobile 操作系统
42.Electronic Dictionary 电子词典
43.Palm computer 掌上电脑
44.Handheld computer 手持电脑
/doc/943653572.html,itary PDA 军用PDA
46.System unit:microprocessor and memory
47.Input/output devices 输入和输出
48.Keyboard 键盘
49.Mou 鼠标
50.Monitor 显示器printer 打印机
51.Secondary storage 辅助存储器
/doc/943653572.html,pact discs (CD) 激光盘
53.Digital versatile or video discs (DVD) 数字化视频光盘
54.High-definition discs (HDD) 高清盘
55.Document files 文字处理
合作学习56.Worksheet files 工作表单
57.Databa files 数据库文件
58.Prentation files 演示文件
/doc/943653572.html,puter competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills-indispensable tools for today.
2.Prent an overview of an information system 概述信息系统
冬瓜汁3.Understand the basic parts and how connectivity through the Internet.5大组成
土木工程实习日记4.Filled out computerized forms, took computerized tests 填写电脑化的表格和考试
5.People are surely the most important part of any information system. 人是信息系统中最重要的组成元素
6.Our lives are touched every day by computers and information systems. 我们的生活每天都要接触计算机、信息系统分不开
7.Making IT Work for You:prent interesting and practical IT applications. 实用的信息技术应用
8.Tips:suggestions ranging from the basics of keeping your computer system running smoothly to how to protect your privacy while surfing the Web. 关于计算机运用和网上冲浪安全的提示和建议
9.Careers in IT:provides job descriptions, projected employment demands, educational requirements, current salary ranges, and advancement opportunities. 信息技术相关的工作
/doc/943653572.html,puting Esntials Web site:more information on the Web. 本课本相关的网络资源
11.Software are the instructions that tell the computer how to process date into the form you want. 软件就是指导计算机把数据转换成信息的指令
12.In the most ca, the words software and programs are interchangeable. 大多时候,软件和程序的概念是可以互换的13.系统软件是应用软件和计算机硬件的中间连接件。
14.The system software is just the mediator between application software and hardware.
15.you have to know to be considered computer competent. 作为计算机能手必须具备
16.Wireless applications are just the beginning of the wireless revolution. 无线应用开启了无线革命
17.Central to the concept of connectivity is the network. 连接概念的中心是网络
1.Integrated Packages 综合程序包
2.Software Suites 软件套组
3.templates 模版
4.Thesaurus 同义词库
5.Word wrap 自动换行
6.Autocorrect: 自动更正
网络歌曲排行7.Header or Footer 页眉页脚
8.Footnote 脚注
9.Captions, Cross References题注,交叉引用
10.Table 表格
11.Calculations 计算12.Functions 函数
13.Analytical graphs or charts 图表
14.What-if analysis 假设分析
15.Query: 查询
/doc/943653572.html,municate a message 传递
17.persuade people 说服
18.Professional 专业
19.Productivity suite 商务组件
20.Personal suite 家庭组件
21.Specialized suite 专业组件
22.Utility suite 实用工具组件
1.Integrated package: is a single program that provides the functionality of a word processor, spreadsheet, databa manager and more. 独立的集成软件包包括文字处理、表格和数据库管理等功能
2.Prentation: programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive
visually interesting prentations. 利用可视化的图形,创造吸引人的演示效果。3.Software suites: a collection of parate application programs bundled together and sold as a group. 捆绑一起售卖的多个应用程序
4.Good communication skills and teaching experience, though a teaching degree may no
t be required, it may be preferred. 沟通技能和授课经验