Wait. Before we go in, I just want you to know that I love you.
I had a great time on our honeymoon.
I can't wait to spend our life together.
You're sticking with the shell necklace, huh?
You're back!
Come on in!
How was the honeymoon?
So much fun. The best part is, we met this great couple.
That was the best part? Good honeymooning, tiger.
They're cool. It was their honeymoon too.
They live here in the city.
Can we go call them? Is it too soon to call?
We're excited. We finally have a couple to hang out with.
Oh, were you looking for that?
Well, yeah.
A couple? Like two people? Like one, two people?
It's different. Greg and Jenny are married.
Greg and Jenny? "Hi, Greg. I'm Chandler."
"Hi, Monica. This is Jenny." "Hi, Jenny. Hi, Greg."
-They're great. If you just.. -You know what?
Give us our souvenirs and get out of here.
-We didn't get a chance to.. -You're kidding!
-We didn't get anything for anyone. -Nice necklace.
电脑键盘失灵怎么解决That you can have.
The One With The Videotape
Great! How about you? You're having a baby!
Yeah, we are. It's so exciting.
I always knew you two would have a child out of wedlock.
-Look, I have a sonogram picture. -Good.
Ross, it's got your wavy, black lines.
Now that Ross knows, how'd it happen? When? How many times?
Monica, that's not right. Start with where.
It happened about six weeks ago.
I got home and Ross was there. He'd been hanging out with Joey.
You're welcome, buddy.
Yeah, thanks.
I had a lot of work, and Ross offered to help.
We had wine, we got to talking.
Next thing you know, Ross comes on to me.痰多如何治疗
That's a little misleading.
-What is? -The lie you just told.
-That you came on to me? -There's the one!
-But you did. Let's be honest. -Yes, let's.
笔记本内存怎么看Ross. If it helps, I don't believe you.
It's not important.
What's important is, we're having a baby, not who came on to who.
That's right.
-You kisd me first. -You were begging for it!
You were nding me signals!
I was nding signals? Anyone think that I'd nd Ross begging signals?
Plea, show of hands.
It doesn't matter what people believe! It happened.
Maybe I need to be more careful. Am I nding the signals now?
后进生转化-You know what? Just drop it. -Show me how I begged you.
I can show you! I have it on videotape.
It's an expression.
Come on, Rachel, open up. Let me explain.
-Still won't let you in, huh? -No.
I'm just gonna clo this door so we can talk about you.
I can't believe he taped them having x.
Yeah. You gotta tell a girl before you tape her.
Such a rookie mistake.
-Know who has a great camera? -Greg and Jenny?
-I want to call them. -Let's call.
Ask them if they brought their friends souvenirs.
Hello. 8th Street Deli?
Hang up. You get food poisoning just talking to that place.
-Sorry, wrong number. -Here you go, babe.
Hello? It's the deli again!
All right, I'll have a sandwich.
I don't think this number's right.
-What? -You got fake-numbered.
-What? People don't do that. -Oh, I think we do.
xuxx-Why would they do that? -I don't know.
You were a delight. You asked tho great questions.
And you were never funnier. Joke, joke, joke! You were a hoot!
You still got me and Phoebe.
Excu me, I don't want Greg and Jenny's rejects.
Rachel won't talk to me. She won't open the door.
I wonder why, pervert.
Okay, I am not a pervert.
That's, like, the pervert motto.
You rai your hand, put your left hand down your pants and repeat that.
Filming Rachel was not planned.
Here's what happened. Joey can back me up.
A month and a half ago, remember I came to you with a problem?
The personal thing?
-What personal thing? -About x?
That I hadn't had x in months?
Yeah, I knew what you were talking about.
I'd like to talk about something I'm uncomfortable talking about.
How about you showering with your mom?
I actually had a topic in mind.
I'm kind of going through a dry spell, x-wi.
-For, like, months? -Five, to be..
lying. Six.
Six months? That's rough.
It's not all bad. I'm learning to appreciate the small things, like..
the sound of a bird and the color of the sky.
The sky's blue, Ross. And I had x yesterday.
Plea help me. I have a date tonight.
It has to go well. I'm scared for my health.