Flow around a circular cylinder near a plane
期刊名称: Journal of Fluid Mechanics自制果丹皮
作者: Bearman, P. W.,Zdravkovich, M. M.
浮想联翩什么意思年份: 1978年
期号: 第01期
摘要:The flow around a circular cylinder placed at various heights above a plane boundary has been investigated experimentally. The cylinder spanned the test ction of a wind tunnel and was aligned with its axis parallel to a long plate and normal to the free stream. It was placed 36 diameters downstream of the leading edge of the plate and its height above the plate was varied from zero, the cy
linder lying on the surface, to 3·5 cylinder diameters. The thickness of the turbulent boundary layer on the plate at the cylinder position, but with it removed from the tunnel, was equal to 0·8 of the cylinder diameter. Distributions of mean pressure around the cylinder and along the plate were measured at a Reynolds number, bad on cylinder diameter, of 4·5 × 104. Spectral analysis of hot-wire signals demonstrated that regular 水浒传招安