
更新时间:2023-06-12 23:59:15 阅读: 评论:0

2 分类术语
2.1  按着火方式分类
2.1.1  压燃式内燃机compression ignition engine
2.1.2  点燃式内燃机spark ignition engine
2.2  按使用燃料种类分类
2.2.1  汽油机gasoline engine (petrol engine)
2.2.2  柴油机  diel engine
2.2.3  气体燃料内燃机  gas-fuel engine
2.2.4  煤气机  gas engine
2.2.5  液化石油气内燃机  liquefied-petroleum-gas engine
2.2.6  柴油煤气机  diel—gas engine
2.2.7  多种燃料内燃机  multifuel engine
2.3.1  水冷式内燃机  water-cooled engine
2.3.2  风冷式内燃机  air-cooled engine
2.3.3  油冷式内燃机  oil-cooled engine
2.4  按进气状态分类
2.4.1  非增压内燃机naturally aspirated engine (non-supercharged engine) 2.4.2  增压内燃机  supercharged engine
2.5  按燃料供给方式分类
2.5.1  化油器式内燃机  carburetter engine
2.5.2  汽油喷射式内燃机  gasoline-injection engine
2.5.3  直接喷射式柴油机  direct injection engine
2.5.4  间接喷射式柴油机  indirect-injection engine
2.6  按冲程数分类
2.6.1  二冲程内燃机  two-stroke engine
2.6.2  四冲程内燃机  four-stroke engine
2.7  按活塞与连杆连接方式分类
2.7.1  筒形活塞柴油机  trunk-piston engine
2.7.2  十字头式柴油机  crosshead engine
2.8  按速度分类
2.8.1  低速柴油机  low-speed diel engine
2.8.2  中速柴油机  medium-speed diel engine
2.8.3  高速柴油机  high—speed diel  engine
2.9  按气缸数及布置分类
2.9.1  单缸内燃机  single—cylinder engine
2.9.2  多缸内燃机  multi-cylinder engine
2.9.3  对动活塞式内燃机  oppod-piston engine
2.9.4  对置气缸式内燃机  oppod—cylinder engine
2.9.5  立式内燃机  vertical engine
2.9.6  斜置式内燃机  inclined engine
2.9.7  卧式内燃机  horizontal engine
2.9.8  直列式内燃机  in-1ine engine
2.9.9  V形内燃机  Vee-engine
2.9.10  W形内燃机  W-engine
2.9.11  星形内燃机  radial engine
2.10 按用途分类
2.10.1  固定式内燃机  stationary engine
2.10.2  移动式内燃机  portable engine
2.10.3  船用内燃机  marine engine  主机main engine  辅机  subsidiary engine
2.10.4  舷外挂机  outboard engine
2.10.5  发电用内燃机gent engine (generating t engine,dynamo engine) 2.10.6  农用内燃机  agricultural engine
2.10.7  拖拉机用内燃机  tractor engine
2.10.8  机车用内燃机railway engine(rail traction engine)
2.10.9  汽车用内燃机  automobile engine
2.10.10  工程机械用内燃机  constructional equipment engine
2.10.11  坦克用内燃机  tank engine
2.10.12  摩托车用内燃饥  motorcycle engine
2.10.13  航模内燃饥  model airplane engine
3  工作过程术语
3.1  一般概念
3.1.1  工作过程  working process
3.1.2  工作循环  working cycle
3.1.3  热力循环  thermodynamic cycle
二十四孝图3.1.4  工质  working medium
3.1.5  充量  charge
3.1.6  理想循环  ideal cycle
3.1.7  定压循环  constant pressure cycle
3.1.8  定容循环  constant volume cycle
3.1.9  混合循环  mixed cycle
3.1.10  实际循环  practical cycle
3.1.11  四冲程循环  four-stroke cycle
3.1.12  二冲程循环  two-stroke cycle
3.1.13  进气行程  suction stroke
3.1.14  压缩行程  compression stroke
3.1.15  膨胀行程  expansion stroke
3.1.16  排气行程  exhaust stroke
3.1.17  换气—压缩行程  exchange-compression stroke
3.1.18  膨胀—换气行程  expansion—exchange stroke
3.1.19  发火次序  firing order
3.1.20  定时(正时)  timing
3.2  结构参数
3.2.1  气缸直径d    cylinder bore  …………………(D)
3.2.2  止点  DC  dead centre
3.2.3  上止点  TDC  top dead centre
3.2.4  下止点  BDC  bottom dead centre
3.2.5  活塞行程  S  piston stroke
3.2.6  行程缸径比  S /d  stroke-bore ratio
3.2.7  气缸数 i  number of cylinders
3.2.8  活塞面积A  piston area  ……………….()
p F 3.2.9  连杆长度  connecting rod length
3.2.10  曲柄半径  crank radius
3.2.11  曲柄连杆比  λ  crank radius-connecting rod length ratio
3.2.12  气缸容积  working
medium volume c V 3.2.13  气缸工作容积(活塞排量)  piston swept volume  …………….(V )
s V h 3.2.14  气缸有效工作容积  effective piston swept volume
3.2.15  气缸余隙容积(燃烧室总容积、压缩室容积)V  cylinder clearance volume
cc 3.2.16  气缸最大容积  V  maximum cylinder volume  ……….(V )
t a 3.2.17  气缸有效容积  V  effective cylinder volume
te 3.2.18  内燃机排量  V  engine swept volume .
st 3.2.19  内燃机气缸总容积  engine cylinder volume
tt V 3.2.20  余隙高度(顶隙)  top clearance
3.2.21  喷嘴端伸出量  injector protrusion
3.3  进气过程
3.3.1  进气过程intake process
3.3.2  进气温度  intake temperature  ………(t 或T )
a a 3.3.3  进气压力  intake pressure  …………()
d p a p 3.3.4  自然吸气  natural aspiration
3.3.5  分层充气  stratified charge
美瞳的佩戴方法3.3.6  充量系数(充气效率、容积效率)  C φ  volumetric efficiency  ……(v η)
3.3.7  进气提前角 in θ  intake advance angle
3.3.8  进气迟后角  il θ intake lag angle
3.3.9  进气持续角  i θ∆ intake duration angle
3.3.10  进气涡流  intake swirl
3.3.11  进气紊流  intake turbulance
3.3.12  螺旋进气道进气  helical duct intake
3.3.13  切向进气道进气  tangential duct intake
3.3.14  导流屏进气  masked inlet valve intake
摇滚乐的英文3.3.15  时面值  time —area valve
t f ∆⋅3.3.16  气门升程  h  valve lift
v 3.3.17  气口开度  scavenging port area
3.3.18  换气过程  gas exchange process
3.3.19  扫气过程  scavenging process
3.3.20  扫气持续期s θ∆  scavenging duration
3.3.21  扫气压力  scavenging pressure
3.3.22  直流扫气  uniflow scavenging
3.3.23  回流扫气  loop scavenging (rever scavenging)
3.3.24  横流扫气  cross scavenging (crossflow scavenging)
3.3.25  曲轴箱扫气crankca scavenging
3.3.26  扫气泵扫气  scavenging by blower
3.3.27  活塞底泵扫气  piston underside pump scavenging
3.3.28  排气脉冲扫气  exhaust-pul scavenging
3.3.29  扫气系数  coefficient of scavenging
3.3.30  扫气利用系数  trapping efficiency (scavenging utilization efficiency)
3.3.31  扫气效率    scavenging efficiency
3.3.32  扫气漏失系数    coefficient of scavenging loss
3.3.33  给气比(扫气过量空气系数)    delivery ratio (excess air factor of  scavenging)
3.3.34  配气定时  valve timing
3.3.35  气门重叠  valve overlap
3.3.36  涡流比 swirl rate
3.4  压缩过程
3.4.1  压缩过程  compression process
3.4.2  压缩压力  compression pressure
3.4.3  压缩始点压力  compression beginning pressure
3.4.4  压缩始点温度compression beginning temperature
3.4.5  压缩终点压力compression end pressure without combustion
3.4.6  压缩终点温度compression end temperature without combustion
3.4.7  喷油始点压缩压力  fuel injection starting compression pressure
3.4.8  着火始点压缩压力  ignition starting compression pressure
3.4.9  压力升高比  ratio of pressure ri
3.4.10  压缩比(几何压缩比)    compression ratio
3.4.11  有效压缩比  effective compression ratio
3.4.12  压缩多变指数    polytropic index of compression
3.4.13  压缩涡流  compression swirl
3.5  喷油过程
3.5.1  喷油过程  injection process
3.5.2  直接喷射  direct injection
3.5.3  间接喷射  indirect injection
3.5.4  电控喷射  electronic-controlled injection
3.5.5  供油提前角(供油定时)    fuel supply advance angle
3.5.6  喷油提前角(喷油定时) fuel injection advance angle (injection timing) 3.5.7  喷油延迟角  injection lag
3.5.8  喷油持续角  injection duration
3.5.9  喷孔面积  nozzle hole area
3.5.10  喷孔总面积total area of nozzle holes
3.5.11  喷孔长径比ratio of nozzle hole length-nozzle hole diameter 3.5.12  喷孔锥体  nozzle hole cone
3.5.13  喷孔锥角(喷孔夹角)  nozzle hole cone angle
3.5.14  针阀升程 needle lift
3.5.15  针阀压力室容积  sac volume
3.5.16  出油阀卸载容积retraction volume of delivery valve
3.5.17  喷油压力injection pressure
3.5.18  启喷压力    injection starting pressure
3.5.19  喷油峰值压力  injection peak pressure
3.5.20  喷油背压  injection back pressure
3.5.21  喷注spray
3.5.22  喷注贯穿距离  spray penetration
3.5.23  喷注贯穿规律  spray penetration curve
3.5.24  喷注贯穿率 spray penetration ratio
形容花的句子3.5.25  循环喷油量fuel delivery per cycle per cylinder
3.5.26  最小循环喷油量minimum delivery per cycle per cylinder
3.5.27  供油率fuel supply rate
3.5.28  喷油率  fuel injection rate
3.5.29  累计喷油率(喷油百分率) accumulated fuel delivery rate
3.5.30  供油规律fuel supply rate curve
3.5.31  喷油规律fuel injection rate curve
3.5.32  喷油泵负荷特性fuel delivery curve al constant speed
3.5.33  喷油泵速度特性fuel delivery curve al fixed rack
3.5.34  喷嘴流通特性  nozzle flow characteristic
3.5.35  喷嘴液力特性(喷嘴静力特性)  nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics  3.5.36  喷雾特性  spray characteristic
3.5.37  喷雾锥角  spray cone angle
3.5.38  雾化  atomization
3.5.39  索特平均直径sauter mean diameter (SMD)
3.5.40  异常喷油  abnormal injection
3.5.41  二次喷油  condary injection
3.5.42  间断喷油  intermittent injection
3.5.43  波动喷油  fluctuating injection

本文发布于:2023-06-12 23:59:15,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:内燃机   容积   扫气
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