代表,delegate ;
代表团,delegation ;
委员会,committee ;
演讲,public speaking ;
辩论,debate ;
协商,negotiation ;
合作,collaboration ;
正式辩论,formal debate ;
非正式辩论, informal debate ;
简单多数,simple majority
三分之二多数,Two-thirds majority
主席团,Members of the Dais ;
主席,Chair ;
会议指导,Director ;
诗经情诗主席助理,Rapporteur ;
发言人名单,Speakers' list
流程规则,Rules of procedure
点名,Roll call
确定议题,Setting the agenda
让渡 Yield
Yield time to another delegate / comments / questions / the Chair
动议,Motion ;
Motion to t speaking time(更改发言时间) /suspend the meeting(暂时中断正式辩论) /clo debate (结束辩论)
问题,Point ;
Point of order(组织性问题) /inquiry(咨询性问题) /
Personal privilege(个人特权)
有主持核心磋商,Moderated Caucus
自由磋商,Unmoderated Caucus
立场文件,Position paper ;
工作文件,working paper
决议草案,Resolution ;
3月12日是什么日子修正案,Amendment ;
友好修正案,friendly amendment ; 生物圈中的绿色植物
非友好修正案,unfriendly amendment
游说, lobby ; 国家牌 Placard;
起草国, Sponsors; 复议国,Signature
到场, Prent ; 缺席, Abnt
弃权,Abstain;赞成,Yes ; 反对,No
Affirming Alarmed by Approving
Aware of Bearing in mind Believing
Confident Contemplating Convinced中处
Declaring Deeply concerned Deeply conscious
Deeply convinced Deeply regretting Desiring
Referring Seeking Taking into account
Emphasizing Expecting Fulfilling
Expressing its satisfaction Fully alarmed
Fully aware Fully believing Further recalling
Guided by Having adopted Having considered
Having considered further Having devoted attention
Taking into consideration Taking note
Viewing with appreciation Having examined
Having heard Having received Having studied
Keeping in mind Noting with deep concern
Noting with regret Noting with satisfaction
Noting further Noting with approval Obrving
Realizing Recalling Recognizing Welcoming
Accepts Emphasizes Reaffirms
Affirms Encourages Recommends
Approves Endors Regrets
Authorizes Express its appreciation Reminds
Calls Express its hope Requests
Calls upon Further invites Solemnly affirms
Condemns Further reminds Supports
Congratulates Further requests Takes note of
Considers Further resolves Transmits
Declares accordingly Further recommends Trusts
Deplores Has resolved Urges
Designates Draws the attention Notes Proclaims