This glossary contains about 100 commonly ud biotechnology terms. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
A common soil bacterium that caus crown gall dia by transferring some of its DNA to the plant host. Scientists alter Agrobacterium so that it no longer caus the dia but is still able to transfer DNA. They then u this altered Agrobacterium to ferry desirable genes into plants.
Amino acid
The fundamental building blocks of a protein molecule. A protein is compod of a chain of hundreds or thousands of amino acids. Our bodies can synthesize most of the amino acids. However, eight amino acids (called esntial amino acids) must be obtained from food.夏天到了
A protein produced in respon to the prence of a specific antigen. Antigen
A foreign substance that elicits the production of antibodies.
Anti-n technology
The u of an RNA molecule to block gene expression by interfering with protein production. This technique is ud commercially in tomatoes to slow ripening for better shipping and longer shelf life
A method for determining the prence or quantity of a component
B lymphocytes (B cells) .
A type of cell that produces antibodies. Bacillus thuringiensis
a naturally occurring bacterium with pesticidal properties. Bacillus
thuringiensis produces a protein (Bt toxin) that is toxic only to certain inct larvae that consume it. Bacteriophage
A virus that infects bacteria. Also called a phage. Bioassay
A method of determining the effect of a compound by quantifying its effect on living organisms or thei
r component parts. Biocatalyst奉献的英文
小花折纸An enzyme that activates or speeds up a chemical reaction. Biological control
The u of one organism to control the population size of another organism. Biological molecules
Large, complex molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates, that are produced only by living organisms. Biological molecules are often referred to as macromolecules or biopolymers. Bioprocessing
A technique in which microorganisms, living cells, or their components are ud to produce a desired end product.
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A container ud for bioprocessing. Bioremediation
The u of organisms, usually microorganisms, to break down pollutants in soil, air or groundwater. Bionsor technology The u of cells or biological molecules in an electronic system to detect specific substances. Consists of a biological nsing agent coupled with a microelectronic circuit. Biosynthesis
Production of a chemical by a living organism. Biotechnology
(Ancient definition:) The u of living organisms to solve problems and make uful products. (Modern definition:) A collection of technologies that u living cells and/or biological molecules to solve problems and make uful products. Callus
A cluster of undifferentiated plant cells that have the capacity to regenerate a whole plant in some species. Catalyst
世界上最毒的花A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, but is not itlf changed during the reaction.
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The smallest structural unit of living organisms that is able to grow and reproduce independently. Cell culture
A technique for growing cells under laboratory conditions. Cell fusion
The formation of a hybrid cell produced by fusing two different cells. Chromosome
Components in a cell that contain genetic information. Each chromosome contains numerous genes. Chromosomes occur in pairs: one obtained from the mother; the other from the father. Chromosomes of different pairs are often visibly different from each other (e also DNA). Clone
姜黄酮A cell or collection of cells containing identical genetic material. Clones are produced from a single parent cell. Culture
To grow living organisms in a prepared medium or media. Culture medium
A nutrient system for artificially growing bacteria or other cells. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
The chemical molecule that is the basic genetic material found in all cells. DNA is inherited. Becau DNA is a very long, thin molecule, it is packaged
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into units called chromosomes. DNA belongs to a class of biological molecules called nucleic acids. DNA fingerprinting (or DNA typing)
A technique for identifying individual organisms bad upon the uniqueness of their DNA pattern. The technique has applications in forensics, paternity testing, anthropology, conrvation biology and ecological rearch. DNA liga
An enzyme that rejoins cut pieces of DNA. DNA probe
A molecule that has been labeled with a radioactive isotope, dye or enzyme and is ud to locate a particular portion of a DNA molecule. DNA quence
The order of nucleotide bas in the DNA molecule. Double helix
A term ud to describe the configuration of a DNA molecule. The helix consists of two spiraling strands of nucleotides held together with chemical bonds.
强弓硬弩E. coli (Escherichia coli)
A bacterium commonly found in the intestinal tracts of most vertebrates. It is ud extensively in recombinant DNA rearch becau it has been genetically well characterized. Enzyme
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A protein that accelerates the rate of chemical reactions. Enzymes are catalysts that promote reactions repeatedly, without being damaged by the reactions. Eukaryote
An organism who genetic material is located within a nucleus. Yeast, fungi, protozoans, plants and animals are eukaryotes. Expression
The physical manifestation of the information contained in a gene. Fermentation艾佛森身高
A process of growing microorganisms to produce various chemical or pharmaceutical compounds. Microbes are usually incubated under specific conditions in large tanks called fermenters. Fermentation is a specific type of bioprocessing. Gene
A unit of hereditary information. A gene is a ction of a DNA molecule that specifies the production of a particular protein. More on genes. Gene amplification
The increa, within a cell, of the number of copies of a given gene. Gene mapping
Determining the relative locations of genes on a chromosome. Genetic code
the way genetic information is stored in living organisms.
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Genetic engineering
The technique of removing, modifying or adding genes to a DNA molecule in order to change the information it contains. By changing this information, genetic engineering changes the type or amount of proteins an organism is capable of producing. Genome
The total hereditary material of a cell. Genotype
The specific genetic makeup of an organism, as contrasted with the actual characteristics of an organism (e phenotype). Hybridization
Production of offspring, or hybrids, from genetically dissimilar parents. In lective breeding, it usually refers to the offspring of two different species. Hybridoma
A type of hybrid cell produced by fusing a normal cell with a tumor cell. When lymphocytes (antibody-producing cells) are fud to the tumor cells, the resulting hybridomas produce antibodies and maintain rapid, sustained growth, producing large amounts of an antibody. Hybridomas are the source of monoclonal antibodies. Immunoassay
A technique for identifying substances, bad on the u of antibodies. Immunotoxin
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The coupling of an antibody and a molecule that is toxic to the cell. In vitro
Performed in a test tube or other laboratory apparatus. In vitro lection
Selection at the cellular or callus stage of individuals posssing certain traits, such as herbicide resistance. In vivo
In the living organism. Interferon
A protein produced naturally by the cells of our bodies. It increas the resistance of surrounding cells to attacks by virus. One type of interferon, alpha interferon, is effective against certain types of cancer. Others may prove effective in treating autoimmune dias. Interleukin
A protein produced naturally by our bodies to stimulate our immune systems. There are at least 18 known kinds of interleukins. Leukocyte
A white blood cell, an important component of the body ’s immune system. Lymphocyte
A type of leukocyte found in the blood, lymph nodes and certain organs. Lymphocytes are continuously made in the bone marrow (e also
B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes).
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A type of white blood cell that ingests dead tissue and cells and is involved in producing Interleukin 1. Marker gene
Genes that identify which plants have been successfully transformed. Molecular genetics
The study of the molecular structure and function of genes. Monoclonal antibody
Highly specific, purified antibody that is derived from only one clone of cells and recognizes only one antigen. Multigenic Many genes are involved in the expression of a trait. Mutagen
A substance that induces mutations. Mutant
A cell microorganism that manifests new characteristics due to a change in its genetic material. Mutation
A change in the genetic information. Nucleic acid
A biological molecule compod of a long chain of nucleotides. DNA is made of thousands of four different nucleotides repeated randomly.
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A compound made up of the three components: a sugar, phosphate and a nitrogen-containing ba. Found as individual molecules (e.g., ATP, the energy molecule), or as many nucleotides linked together in a chain (nucleic acid such as DNA). Oncogene
A gene thought to be capable of producing cancer. Oncology儿童智力障碍
Study of tumors. Phenotype
The obrvable characteristics of an organism as oppod to the t of genes it posss (its genotype).The phenotype that an organism manifests is a result of both genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, organisms with the same genotype may display different phenotypes due to envir
onmental factors. Converly, organisms with the same phenotypes may have different genotypes. Plasmid
A small, circular piece of DNA found outside the chromosome in bacteria. Plasmids are the principal tools for inrting new genetic information into microorganisms or plants. Polymera chain reaction (PCR)
A technique for quickly making many copies of a specific gment of DNA.
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Organisms who genetic material is not enclod by a nucleus. The most common examples are bacteria. Protein
A complex biological molecule compod of a chain of units called amino acids. Proteins have many different functions: structure(collagen); movement (actin and myosin); catalysis (enzymes); transport
(hemoglobin); regulation of cellular process (insulin); and respon to the stimuli (receptor proteins on surface of all cells).The information for making proteins is stored in the quence of nucleotides in the DNA molecule. Protein engineering
A technique ud in the production of proteins with new or artificial amino acid quences. Protoplast
A plant or bacterial cell that has had its cell wall removed. Recombinant DNA
DNA that is formed through combining DNA from two different sources. Humans direct the formation of recombinant DNA through lective breeding and genetic engineering.
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology
The laboratory manipulation of DNA in which DNA, or fragments of DNA from different sources, are cut and recombined
using enzymes. This recombinant
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DNA is then inrted into a living organism. rDNA technology is usually ud synonymously with genetic engineering. Recombination
The formation of new combinations of genes. Recombination occurs naturally in plants and animals during the production of x cells (sperm, eggs, pollen) and their subquent joining in fertilization. In microbes, genetic material is recombined naturally during conjugation. Regeneration
The process of growing an entire plant from a single cell or group of cells. Restriction enzymes
Bacterial enzymes that cleave DNA at very specific locations. Restriction map
A diagram that shows restriction sites (i.e., where a restriction enzyme cleaves DNA) in relation to one another. RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
Like DNA, a type of nucleic acid. There are three major types: mesnger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA. All are involved in the synthesis of proteins from the information contained in the DNA molecule. Tissue culture
A procedure for growing or cloning enough cells through in vitro techniques to make a tissue. T lymphocytes (T cells)
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White blood cells, produced in the bone marrow, that aid B cells in making antibodies to fight bacterial infections. They also are instrumental in rejection of foreign tissue, and may be important in the body ’s defen against cancer. Transformation A change in the genetic structure of an organism as a result of the uptake and incorporation of foreign DNA. Transposon
A mobile genetic element that can move from one location in the gene and reinrt at another site. Vector
The agent ud to carry new DNA into a cell. Virus or plasmids are often ud as vectors. Virus
An infectious agent compod of a single type of nucleic acid, DNA or RNA, enclod in a coat of protein. Virus can multiply only within living cells.
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